"We've been made aware that there are several fans that don't like the version of the subtitles on the DVD/BR. We had an alternate translation that we went with. Obviously a lot of fans thought we should have stuck with the original theatrical version. We are listening to the fans feedback, and going forward we will be manufacturing the discs with the subtitles from the theatrical version."
"For those that wish to purchase a version with the theatrical subtitles, it will be called out in the tech specs box at the back/bottom of the package where it will list SUBTITLES: ENGLISH (Theatrical), SPANISH."
...but don't buy the DVD for Let the Right One In. I know, I know... I've been aurally masturbating this movie for months, and now I'm telling you don't pick up the DVD? Listen to my reason, it's a real neat one:
The English DVD is subtitled wrong.
While perusing Dread Central, I came across an article by Uncle Creepy, discussing the subtitle flub as reported in depth by Icons of Fright . Rather than paraphrase it here and do it no justice, just click here: Icons of Fright.

From the Icons of Fright article:
"The subtitles had been drastically changed since the last time I saw it, and dare I say ... had been completely dumbed down? Sure, the basic gist of what the characters were saying was kind of there, but missing completely was the dark humor, subtleties and character nuances which made the movie so powerful and a favorite amongst audiences last year. I tried to carry on and ignore it, hoping that only a few of the translations were off... but... I was wrong. Just about the intent of every single line of dialogue was completely off and ruined the movie."
If you prefer to watch the dubbed version and hate subtitles, I guess it wont matter to you as the dubbed version follows the original subs pretty closely. If you prefer the original language with subs, like I do, then you're going to get a different film experience thanks to a cheap subtitle job. Click the Icons of Fright link above and it will give you a way more in detail scoop on I am...
Bottom line, wait to get the English DVD release until they fix the subs, or wait to see what the British R2 version looks like.
Thanks to Uncle Creepy and Icons of Fright for the info.