Do Children Really Need Fathers?

I went to college in Riverside CA. I never thought of it as a center of Black political activism at the time. So imagine my surprise to learn that a group of African American men have been hitting the streets looking for positive and proactive ways to improve our community. One of their projects is the annual Million Father March:


Don't Blame It On The Alcohol

When it comes to the lack of paternal involvement, who should we blame?

I say, "Don't blame it on the schools, prisons or alcohol." But, rather place the blame right where it fits. Squarely on the shoulders of fathers.

As the Million Father March gets underway across America, I am confident there will be excuses. Some will say, "I have other commitments." While, others will claim "I'm doing my part as a father so I don't need to go." And, then there are those who will dodge the invitation all together. To the former I say, "Understandbly so, however, tell ten and let them tell ten." To those involved I say, "If you're doing your part, then come share with those that need to know what you know - if not you, who?" And, to the latter I say and pray, "Read on, there is hope for you."

Like I said, "Don't blame it on the schools, prisons or alcohol." When a child is let loose on the streets, confused with anger and kills the innocent, who is to blame? When a child fails in school because no one feels the need to help, who is to blame? When a child runs away to escape the hurt and pain at home, who is to blame?

Fatherhood Is NOT a Coward's Business!
It is the business of handling one's business. It is about taking time out to know your child(ren) when they don't know themselves. It's about poppin' that colla' and saying "I got this" and getting to the streets to do whatever it takes (legally) to provide for your child. It's about saying "My child is the most important headline of my day" and sharing that news with others.

So I say, "Don't blame it on the schools, prisons or alcohol." You either got game, or you don't! And, if you do, bring it to the march. And, if you don't, bring it to the march. Because, either way we got something for you.

When the day is done and the march has gone, ask yourself, "Will my legacy live on?" Will I have stood shoulder to shoulder with other fathers who fought to put purpose in their seeds. Or, will I make excuses, coward down and blame society for what she did to me. Now, that I laid pipe, hyped, no gripe off the chain wild, guess it's time to turn over the reins and let another man raise my child.

Villagers, what say u?

30 Day Challenge: Day 1, A Magnificant Symphony

Pastor Cedric told me about the Thirty Day Challenge a few months ago. The Thirty Day Challenge is about making your first $10 online. I've decided to participate for a full 30 days to learn how to grow my own Internet business and generate income online without spending a dime. That's right, this is going to cost zip, diddly, nothing, nada, ziltch. The entire training program is free ... other than the investment of my time. No credit card required.

I will report back to you on my progress over the course of the 30 days.

The host of the program is Ed Dale. Ed uses the first lesson to demystify the four elements critical to the success of every online business, reviewing some essential tools and showing ways to get great ideas for our new business.

There are three videos that run for about 30 minutes in Lesson 1:
  1. SYMPHONY OF FOUR PARTS - Ed covers the core building blocks common to every Internet business. I learned in this lesson that the market research should occur before the identification of a product. This is the opposite of what I've seen occur for most business owners. Most of us have a product or service in mind ... then (MAYBE) we do market research. Ed gave a compelling reason for flipping the script if we want to build a successful online business.

  2. TOOLS OF THE TRADE - Ed gives a quick run down of the tools of the trade and suggests which to install first. The section about 'tools of the trade' was also full of new information for me. I knew about some of the tools like Twitter, Google Reader and YouTube. However, I wasn't using tools like StumbleUpon, Twhirl or FriendFeed until taking this lesson. Twhirl is especially helpful because I have a Twitter account for my personal and professional use. Twhirl allows me to handle them both with a single logon.

  3. THE GETTING OF IDEAS - Ed shares his favorite method for getting new site ideas, and a cool way to have news about them delivered straight to our email box or newsreader. The lesson ends with a homework assignment to identify 5-10 marketable ideas. My plan right now is to focus on gaining online traction for my current offline consulting business. I guess I will find out in future lessons whether that is acceptable or not.

I would be interested in feedback from any villager that completed the 30 Day Challenge. Do you recommend it for others?

10 Horror Eyes (Part 7)

Damn, it's August already?

Haunting Eyes (Embodiment of Evil)

Teary Eyes (Shadow Puppets)

70's Vampire Eyes (The Norliss Tapes)

Frozen Eyes (Fritt Vilt II)

Dry Eye (The Horsemen)

Bye-Bye Eye (Skeleton Crew)

Should've Shut Your Mouth Eyes (Hush)

Chaba's Eye (Coming Soon)

Liza's Eyes's (The Beyond)

He Needs No Introduction...

*Have I mentioned what a pain it is to find pictures of eyes from horror movies?

July 2009 Wrap-Up

What did July give to us horror fans? Some pretty good flicks, that's what.

At the Box Office we got-
- One of the worst horror flicks I've seen in recent memory, Blood: The Last Vampire. this movie was so bad, that halfway through I wished that I was watching The Haunting of Molly Hartley instead.
- A nice little surprise in Orphan; I was expecting this one to bomb, but its buzz has been solid across the board.
- Deadgirl (Limited) was decent, not perfect, but decent enough.
- Thirst (Limited) has been getting great reviews. Of course this means it won't be playing anywhere near me, so I'm missing out for now.
- The Collector- I'll let you know Friday, but the advance word is that this movie gives us a new horror icon to fear, not to mention fearing the possible 8 sequels that will surely follow if it does well...

On DVD we got-
Own it- Near Dark SE, [REC], Acolytes,
Rent it- The Unborn, The Horsemen, The Objective,
Skip it- Dead wood, The Haunting in Connecticut, Skeleton Crew, Ghost Month,
Rent or Skip, we can't decide- Messengers II: The Scarecrow
The ones we haven't seen- One Missed Call 3, Devil Girl, Bundy, Necessary Evil, Pop Skull, Torso

July was good, but August looks to be on the verge of being great; Theatrically, District 9 looks amazing and blew everyone away at Comic-Con; Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 finally hits theaters as does The Final Destination in 3-D. On DVD we get The Last House on the Left, Surveillance, and The Crypt to keep us busy... could be a good month.

*Make sure to check our Release Date List to stay up to date on what's coming out and when.

(Th)ink by Keith Knight: Hollywood Guns

(Th)ink is an editorial cartoon written and drawn
by cartoonist Keith Knight (the K Chronicles).

Hush (2009)

I will not Hush about Hush!...

Sub-Genre- Truck Driver Terror

In Attendance- Me

Cast Members of Note- William Ash and Christine Bottomley.

What's it About?- A jerky British wannabe writer and his girlfriend are driving around and fighting (mostly because he's a whiny bitch), when they see a naked girl caged in the back of a passing truck, screaming for help. Naturally, they decide to stick their nose into business where it doesn't belong, and everything goes to hell.

Next time, stay in your car, dummy.

The jerky boyfriend wants to forget about the odd truck and let the police handle it, but no, the girlfriend has to bitch and moan about "helping" and "doing the right thing" until he gives in and messes with the truck driver... which leaves her kidnapped. Despite her having just dumped him, he decides to try and rescue her anyways which leaves him framed for murder, hunted by the cops and the maniac, and best of all, free of her god-awful bitching.

Hold on loosely, but don't let go... (I love that song.)

Will he find his girlfriend and live unhappily ever after? Will the Tarman kill them both? Will I ever get tired of British horror flicks? I won't spoil what comes next here, but suffice it to say that this movie may have the best ending ever. (I may be over stating it a bit, but I just really loved it.)

The end.

The Good- This movie is a really clever cat & mouse sort of thriller that uses some twists and tricks that actually surprised me. Some of the usual annoyances were present, such as slightly annoying characters, but that was a very small thing to put up with and didn't distract too much from the over all enjoyment that the movie gave me.

The tension was palpable here too, and William Ash did a great job conveying it through his performance. He started off as a bit of a ponce at the beginning, but by the end he had me rooting him on. We will see him again, and soon I imagine.

On a final note, I have to say that I really liked the ending to this movie. I won't say anything about it because I hate ruining shit for other people, but it was just nice to see something awesome for a change... I hope you get what I mean when you see it for yourself.

The Bad-
Dude... why always the dog! What did the cute, sweet little guy do that was so wrong that he deserved to die? How about let's start killing some cats maybe... or gerbils. Who gives a good Goddamn about Gerbils?

The Downright Horrendous- At the point where I look at an incoming text on my girlfriends phone ( just after she's been kidnapped), and it's from a guy who basically says "Thanks for letting me finger you last night baby!", my happy ass would have stopped chasing the serial killer who had her in his truck, turned the car around, and let her enjoy her rape/death/or rape and death. Bitch.

Here's an idea hun; maybe see if your secret lover can finger you out of trouble? Good luck.

The Gory- Eye Violence, hand violence, random old people murder, murdered cops... This one isn't gory by any stretch, but it has it where it counts.

The Naked- Nope.

Asian Zombie Guy calls B.S. on this no nudity B.S.!

Best Line- "Remember me, you c**t?"

What did we learn?
Mind your own business. Also, don't leave chicks alone in public or they'll get themselves kidnapped.

Rating- B+ (8.5/10) I got more out of this movie than I thought I was going to, and was quite pleased when it was all over.
If you like cat & mouse thrillers, then this is for you. It's clever, fresh, and a hell of a thrill ride that you should definitely check out when you get the chance.

Final Thoughts-
The name of the villain in this movie is The Tarman, which is never really explained, or even mentioned unless I missed it, but that's not my issue here... There can be only one true Tarman, and he's the coolest zombie of all time, and he yells "Brains!", and he rules... So nice job stealing his identity, Hush!

There can be only one!

Old School Friday: Reasons (EWF) or Always and Forever (Heatwave)

The theme for this week's Old School Friday meme is 'My First Date or My First Love Song'.

I went to Los Angeles High School for all except a semester of my junior year. I attended Friends School in Detroit for one semester. My memory of the puppy loves in high school have faded into the fog of my mind now that I'm an old-timer. However, I do have very good memories of listening to Earth Wind and Fire when they broke down the Reasons for any of us to be in love:

My memory of being in love during college is much stronger. Oddly, my first serious attraction to a woman occurred during my freshman year of college. In fact, it is only within the past year that I reconnected with the sister who entered into my heart so many years ago. The song that I associate with our relationship was (and is) Always and Forever by Heatwave.

It brings me joy to listen to both of these songs again. I hope you enjoyed either or both of them as well.

Fear of a Black President: Lee Landor Loses Job for her 'O-Dumb-a' Facebook Comment

Evidently, the fear of a Black president is now in full effect. It only took six months ... but there are many white folks who have simply lost their mind. For example, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer accepted the resignation of Lee Landor, his deputy press secretary, after she called Gates a racist and referred to President Barack Obama as “O-dumb-a.”

Landor wrote in one post, “O-dumb-a, the situation got ‘out of hand’ because Gates is a racist, not because the officer was DOING HIS JOB!”

In response to one Facebook user who voiced disagreement, Ms. Landor referred to Professor Gates using a vulgarity and added, “And racial profiling does exist, but for good reason. Take a look at this country’s jails: who makes up the majority of inmates? Exactly.”

Landor defended her entries, but added: “It is understandable that a Black man encountering police will be suspicious of racial profiling, based on the long history of racism in this country.”

Designed by Cross-Eyed Architect....

...or the results of a strong tornado! What say u?

Boston Cop Fired for calling Prof. Gates a 'Jungle Monkey'

Boston police officer Justin Barrett has been fired after sending a mass e-mail referring to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as a "jungle monkey."

Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis found out about the e-mail on Tuesday and immediately stripped Barrett of his gun and badge. The e-mail was sent anonymously to his Barrett's fellow guard members and the Boston Globe.

"We want to rid our department of the cancer, and that is what we did," Boston Mayor Tom Menino said. "An individual preaching hate has no place in our society."
A member of the National Guard, Justin Barrett sent the e-mail to fellow National Guard members.

Villager's View: Kudos to the Boston mayor for taking care of business. I've not heard of Mayor Menino before today ... but, he's now near the top of my 'best mayors' list!

What say u?

Amefika Geuka: Walking 1,000 Miles for African-Centered Education

Often we talk about the importance of education for our young people. For too many of us ... it is just talk. Here is the story of Amefika Geuka, a man who is willing to walk the walk. In fact, he is walking 1,000 miles from his home in Florida to Washington DC to raise awareness about the miseducation that children of African-descent get in our public education system.

We feel the way to change that is to put a focus on education of those children being educated from their own perspective,” explains Geuka.
Which is why he and two others founded the Joseph Littles - Nguzo Saba Charter School in Florida.

“The public education system in America no matter how well intended it may be, it actually demoralizes black children and black people because it dismisses for the most part that people of African descent have ever contributed anything of any significance to the forward flow of civilization.”
Bro. Geuka documented his thoughts on African-centered Education a few years ago when he delivered a black paper at the University of Cincinnati. Geuka says once he arrives in Washington D.C. he plans on holding a rally and also reading a proclamation for African Centered Education Elevation Day.

NOTE: I appreciate the efforts of anyone ... including Amefika Geuka ... when it comes to turning around the abismyl results of our public education system. I encouage villagers to learn more about his travels and his school. I'm going to follow his progress via Twitter as well.

What are your thoughts on African-centered education (in general) or this man's walkathon (in particular)? What say u?

The Breed (2006)

I love movies with doggy-style, and this one has plenty of it...

Sub-Genre-Bad Dogs

In Attendance- Me

Cast Members of Note- Taryn Manning, Michelle Rodriguez, Oliver Hudson, Eric Lively, Hill Harper and Lisa-Marie Schneider.

What's it About?- A group of post-grad students head to a secluded island for a weekend of fun and hi-jinks, which mainly consists of drinking, trying to get laid and ripping on each other. Of course, the lone black guy in the movie is the brunt of a lot of the ribbing since he's the "tagalong" and all. The poor guy just wants to get laid, but the snooty white girls will have none of it!

"Um, like, no and stuff. "

They drink, play a game of "Spin the whore", drink, shoot bows, drink, and drink. When a little puppy shows up, it warms everyone's hearts, and also brings death with it. The little scamp is part of a dog gang that bullies humans and steals their wallets. They even smoke cigarettes! They're bad dogs!

Spin the whore.

The vicious dog gang sets upon the lame college kids, nipping and biting their way through them in a blaze of dog-glory. In what has to be the films highlight, Taryn Manning actually karate fights a dog! It's really something to see. Will it be enough to save them though, or will the dog's have their day? I'm not going to spoil the ending for you, but I will say that it doesn't look good for the humans.

The humans are fucked.

The Good- For a "B" movie, The Breed was well made, well acted, and had a pretty decent level of suspense. The idea of intelligent, pissed off dogs terrorizing a group of people may sound absurd, but it works here. Apparently Wes Craven sprinkled a little of his magic horror dust over the production...

The realism on display is what made me the most happy; for once, we get a group of people that thinks things through and acts pretty smart throughout the movie. It's pretty refreshing to feel as though the filmmakers made a movie for intelligent people for a change.

The Bad- Bad dogs! You don't kill the hot women! Go lay down!

The Downright Horrendous- The ending... really? Does every single horror movie have to use the same lame ass ploy for one final jump scare in the very last scene?!? Boo! Yeah we get it, assholes; you suck at closing a film properly.

The Gory- Dog murder, dog's mauling people, arrow violence, dog explosions... there's all sorts of dog on dog, dog on people, people on dog, an even people on people violence to be had here.

The Naked-No...

These are the puppies I really wanted to see.

Best Line- "Woof!" or "Bark!" or even "Grrrr!" or "Some scary ass lassie's, that's what!"

What did we learn?
- Dogs hate people. Also, never trust puppies, because they lie.

This dog hates you.

Rating- B+ (8.5/10) This is a surprisingly good movie. Smart, tense, violent, well made... this is definitely one to rent or buy, depending on your mood. Thanks for a good one, Wes Craven.

Final Thoughts-
Something about this picture makes me want to get LOST... with her!

Wordless Wednesday: Otty Sanchez, the Cannibal

Am I crazy?

Or does it look like Steven Tyler from Aersomith screaming in this poster?

Trailer Round-Up

All the trailers look aces this week, with the exception of Blood: The Last Vampire. I included that cinematical turd of a trailer here to show you what you should avoid if you know what's good for your eyes. And ears. And intelligence level.

Blood: The Last Vampire (This may be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Stay away!)
The Crypt (Grave robbers get what's coming to them!)
The Dark Country (Thomas Jane rules; I'll give this noir-ish looking flick a chance.)
The Hills Run Red (This one looks like an awesome throwback.)
Pandorum (This movie looks insane!)

*As always, click the movie title to watch the trailer.

Republican Pundits Show 'Fear of a Black President'

I have tried to ignore the birthers and the other right-wing wackos as they blabber on against our president. At the end of the day it appears to be simply more of the same fearmongering and race-baiting about the first Black president.

President Obama always seems to take these things in stride. He is one of the coolest and calmest public officials that I've ever seen.

However, the attacks appear to be picking up speed as various conservative pundits use Professor Gates' arrest to claim Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people" (Glenn Beck) while others have promoted fringe conspiracies questioning if Obama was actually born in the US (Lou Dobbs.)

Media Matters created this video. They have other video clips from Glenn Beck ('Obama agenda driven by "reparations" and desire to "settle old racial scores') or Rush Limbaugh: ('I do believe" Obama is an "angry Black guy') or Limbaugh ('Here you have a Black president trying to destroy a white policeman').

I 'spose that when you can't win on the merits of your argument you turn to fear and race-baiting tactics. This is a strategy that worked for the Republican Party for many generations. Will it work in 2009 as well?

Antonio Love: Alabama Police Taser Deaf and Mentally-Disabled Blackman

Apparently the police in Mobile, AL didn't get the memo from the police in Wichita, KS ... Do *NOT* taser deaf men leaving their bathroom. We know this because Mobile police officers used pepper spray and a Taser on a deaf, mentally disabled man who they said wouldn’t leave a store’s bathroom.

The deaf man needed to use the bathroom. He went into store bathroom. The store management called the police. Why? Is it illegal for a Black man to use a public restroom in Alabama?

The family of 37-year-old Antonio Love has filed a formal complaint over the incident.

Police spokesman Christopher Levy says police didn’t realize Love had a hearing impairment until after he was out of the bathroom. The officers’ conduct is under investigation.

Love was tased three times. He said police didn't realize he was deaf until they got him outside the store. That's when they looked in his wallet and found a card detailing his handicap. Love said an EMT was dispatched, and after he was checked out, he was then put into the back of a police car and taken to Metro jail where he sat until police finally took him home later that afternoon.

The incident happened around 11:00 a.m., and when he was returned home, it was 4:00 in the afternoon. He was never arrested. Love's mom doesn't understand.

"He asked them to stop. He tried to say, 'I'm deaf. I'm deaf,' and they still did it. Looking at my son now it hurts. I just want justice. I want them to pay for what they did to my son," said Phyllis Love.
Villager's View: I'm looking through the use of force continuum and it seems that the police didn't need to use 50,000 volts of taser juice on this deaf man in the bathroom. Why are police officers so taser-happy in America?

What say u?

Upcoming Movie Spotlight- Carriers


Starring- Chris Pine, Piper Perabo, Emily VanCamp, Lou Taylor Pucci and Christopher Meloni.

What's it about
- Four kids are driving through the desert on the way to the beach, their faces anything but cheery: this isn't Spring Break. They're trying to outrun the end of the world and each other. Determined to elude the deadly virus, Danny, his brother Brian, his girlfriend Bobby and Danny's school friend Kate speed across the Southwestern U.S. to reach a place of possible safety. Over the course of four days, the group is faced with moral decisions that no human should ever be forced to face. They discover that their greatest enemy is not the microbe attacking humanity, but the darkness within themselves.

The real enemy is clothing, so please remove it, Emily. You just might save humanity if you do.

The Buzz- The trailer looks good really good to me, but the movie has sat on the shelf for a few years now which makes me nervous; movies usually sit because they suck, and studios don't know what to do with them. But... but, but, but... movies like Mandy Lane and Trick r' Treat also sit for years on the shelf with no release, and they are anything but bad. So for now, the trailer looks cool and the rest is wait and see.

"You're sick because god hates you."

Gore Factor- I can't imagine that a movie about a deadly flesh eating virus wouldn't be bloody, especially with the characters turning on each other to ensure their own survival.

Master: it's what's for dinner.

Hottie Factor- Plenty of hotness to go around. I guess the whole deadly virus thing means that they wont kiss though. Sigh.

Our Thoughts- Time will tell, but it looks like a winner to us. A killer virus, high "end of the world" drama, The chick from Coyote Ugly, Captain Kirk, Amy from Everwood, and Stabler from Law & Order: SVU... how can it go wrong?

This poster freaks me out...

..and yet I'm intrigued.

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