Perkins 14
Sub-Genre- Zombie?
In Attendance- Me
Cast Members of Note- Richard Brake is about the most notable. Also, Shayla Beesley is pretty hot.
What's it about?- This is the story about the worst cop ever; 10 years ago, his son gets kidnapped basically in front of him, which in turn makes his wife into a cheating whore and his daughter into a "goth rebel."

So why is he the worst cop ever, aside from not being able to protect his own kid in his own home? Well... He gets his partner killed, nearly lets his daughter die because he forgets how to shoot his gun, and lets another cop get killed because he doesn't want his "son" shot, gets carjacked... in his police cruiser mind you, leaves the car-jacker in the car which leads to him being eaten to death, and best of all, he kills a cop to keep his zombie son alive! There's more, but I don't want to spoil everything...
Anyways, the guy who took his son, Perkins, also took 13 other kids... making 14. Perkins 14. Get it? Ok, good. He brainwashed them, turned them into living zombies, and trained them to kill to get revenge for being forgotten. Honestly. On the 10th anniversary of the first kidnapping, his "kids" escape their cells, and begin wreaking havoc on the small town of Stone Cove.

I wont spoil the ending here other than to say everyone that deserves to die, does.
The Good- The gore in this movie is crazy, and the acts of violence are really graphic, which I always welcome. I also really liked the "14"; their look, the sounds they make... truly creepy.

The premise of this movie is pretty damned interesting in theory, but the execution pretty much sucks. The problem I have is that so much nonsensical crap goes on in this movie just to further the plot and heighten tension, that it ruins the whole thing.
The script is bad, the acting is average to poor, and the directing is no better. A great premise, cool "zombies", and pretty good gore are wasted in a not even mediocre movie which left me shaking my head.
The Bad- So lemme get this straight; A creepy geek kidnaps 14 kids and turns them into living-zombies who kill at will for him because he's mad that everyone forgot about his own tragedy?
The Downright Horrendous- Plot device characters suck. You know, like the angsty teen who runs off on her own to heighten the tension? "Leave me alone dad, you can't tell me what to do!" "It's none of your business dad!" "No one understands my pain, and I look like a ghoul only more pale and not as clean!" Weak.

The Gory-

The Naked- Other than a shirtless goth guy, and the almost exposed boob of an old chick, no.
Best Line- "He used to call for you in his sleep." or "Remember."
What did we learn?- Goth kids think they're smarter than everyone else.
Rating- D+ (4.5/10) Other than some fantastic gore and cool looking "zombies", this movie is just a mess. A great concept falls short with lame characters who act in ridiculous ways, and b-grade talent acting that really doesn't help matters any. If all you want is some good gore, then check this one out.
Final Thoughts- She's in this.