Only two weeks left until...

True Blood
, HBO's awesome vampire show that was everything Twilight wished it was, returns two Sundays from now!

This show is just simply great, and I'm dying to see what unfolds this season:
-Is Lafayette dead? He better not be, he was my favorite character throughout season one...
-Will Sookie and Bill be together, or will Sam keep trying to hijack the vagoo? Or will Sookie one-up them both and start slutting around with Eric?
-Will Evan Rachel Wood get naked? Even Vampire Queen's need love you know...
-What is The Maenad up to, other than looking pretty hot herself?
-Will sassy little Jessica wear that School Girl outfit again?
-Am I way too focused on hot chicks?

We will begin to find out the answers to these plaguing riddles in only two short weeks! **Spoiler** (The answer to the last question is a resounding yes, yes I am.) **End Spoiler**

Sweet Jesus do I love you.

We just hit 100,000 page hits!

It's a proud moment for us here at THC; our little horror blog has been looked at and searched 100,000 times! I installed the hit counters sometime in November, just as a goof to see if people were actually checking us out on a regular basis. Imagine our surprise when the numbers kept climbing, and climbing...

-The top number indicates actual page views. For instance, if you come here, that's one page view; if you click on 5 of our links, that's 5 more.
-The bottom number is the number on unique ISP's that have visited the site. If you come here once, the number goes up by one and won't count you again unless you have one of those ISP's that change every time you browse the net.

This first screen grab was taken by me on December 30th, 2008:

This next one, was taken today:

That's 83,618 times that people have read our pages since essentially the first of the year. It's also 62,072 new people who have found their way to us.

To us, that's simply amazing.

We love horror, we love all of our friends around the world (you), so keep coming back and we will keep doing our best to give you a reason to.

Obama Effect: Artur Davis Looks Strong in Alabama

I told y'all a few months ago that Artur Davis (D-AL) was a beneficiary of the Obama Effect.

Davis strives to become the first African American governor of Alabama. He is looking good in recent polls.

In head-to-head matchups, Davis leads Democratic Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobbs, 54%-25%, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industry Ron Sparks, 56%-26%. He's also ahead of Republican Bradley Byrne, 43%-38%. Byrne is chancellor of Alabama's community college system and a former state senator.

I guess that Charles Barkley's window of opportunity to be Alabama governor is over, huh?!

May 2009 Wrap-Up

This month has been atrocious for us here at THC, as one of our own (Machine) took ill and has been fighting for his life in the hospital since about the 12th. Long story short, he survived a Dissected Aorta and and Anuerysm on his heart, and is now recovering well. Thanks again for the love and well wishes that many of you have passed along via comment and email.

Needless to say, we haven't watched much horror in these past few weeks, but were starting to get back to normal...

At the Box-Office we got...
-One more-than-welcomed gem, Drag Me to Hell. Haven't seen it yet, but word is that Raimi's triumphant return to horror does the genre proud.
-One cool movie available on IFC In-Demand, Pontypool- Great movie; see it if it's in a theater near you, or rent it On-Demand now! (Review coming soon.)

On DVD we got...
Own it- Mum & Dad, Underworld 3: Rise of the Lycans, My Bloody Valentine 3-D, True Blood: Season One, Plague Town
Rent it- The Grudge 3, Eden Log, Outlander, The Devil's Tomb, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus,
Skip it- End of the Line, Scarce, S. Darko,
The ones we haven't seen yet- Unconcious, House of the Demon, The Last Horror Film, Bane, Ambition, Beneath the Flesh.

Noteworthy News/Announcements...
-They're remaking Alien. Seriously. After typing this, I have no energy left to type anything else...

Aside from a the great theatrical releases and a few really good DVD's, May mostly sucked. Will June give us more to be happy about than crappy old May did? I sure as hell hope so... True Blood returns for its second season on HBO, and we do get theatrical runs for Dead Snow and Moon... Things are looking better already!

*Make sure to check our Release Date List to stay up to date on what's coming out and when.

This month has been a fucking punch to the mouth... and gut... and nuts... and then some...

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Responds to Taser Torture Petition

This blog participated in the Day of Blogging for Justice Against Taser Torture last month. As a part of that online activism I joined with others in signing a petition asking for congressional hearings on taser torture in America. I shared my thoughts with the congresswoman and senators that represent me.

One of them, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) responded to me with the following message:

Dear Mr. Hicks:

Thank you for expressing your concerns about the use of tasers by law enforcement officials.

Tasers are used by law enforcement officials to deliver an electroshock and subdue dangerous suspects, and are often used to avoid the use of lethal force. I agree that we must ensure that law enforcement officers receive proper training and that all use of force is appropriate to the situation. In the past I have supported legislation to increase law enforcement accountability for excessive use of force, and should similar legislation come before the Senate I will certainly keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me.

Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
I hope that all villagers will sign the online petition created by my colleagues in the AfroSpear.

Let Troy Davis Speak

NAACP President Ben Jealous just sent out the following message:

Dear Wayne,

A few hours ago, I met with Troy Davis on death row.

As you know, he is facing the death penalty in Georgia for killing a police officer -- but since his trial, seven out of nine witnesses have recanted or contradicted their testimony. And with no physical evidence to link him to the crime, it is likely he is innocent.

Besides the fact that Troy is facing execution for a crime that he may not have committed, he also told me that he is being denied the right to speak out on his own behalf despite the fact that others in his position are allowed to do so.

Please contact Commissioner Brian Owens of the Georgia Department of Corrections to demand that he remove the gag order on Troy Davis.

In my meeting with Troy, I discovered that 60 Minutes, Dateline, and the Associated Press have all been denied media access to Troy. When Georgia won't let the media talk to the accused man, it is a flagrant abuse of his First Amendment rights.

In fact, the case of Troy Davis highlights how broken our criminal justice system is... and why we must reform it. Today, more than 60% of the people in prison are people of color. African Americans make up more than 40% of those on death row. This summer, the NAACP will launch a campaign to reform our country's criminal justice system with the goal of making our communities safer, improving police performance, saving money, and keeping more of our young men and women out of prison. But Troy can't wait for this summer.
We need your help now.

An innocent man may be executed. You and I must work together to reform our country's criminal justice system, and we must start by saving the life of one man.
Please contact Commissioner Brian Owens of the Georgia Department of Corrections today and demand he give Troy the right to speak.

Benjamin Todd Jealous
President and CEO

I've sent my online petition. I also shared the information with my Twitter followers. Will you join us in this effort to change the policy enacted by the Georgia Department of Corrections?

2 things for today...

Get your butts to the theater and see Drag Me To Hell, it comes out today and from what I hear is a good, old fashioned hell of a horror film. I won't get to see it yet, as my theater going partner is in the hospital trying to survive, so live vicariously for me!

Also, Pontypool is out in limited release, and thanks to the IFC, it's also available on cable on IFC On-Demand too ( I checked last night, it's there and only costs $6.99.) It looks bad ass, and has gotten great word of mouth from those that have seen it thus far. I'll be renting that tonight fo sho.

Today is a great release day for horror us fans, so let's enjoy it if we are able to.

Black Buying Power

Despite an economy represented by high unemployment rates, a home foreclosure crisis and low consumer confidence, African American buying power is projected to reach $1.2 trillion in 2013, according to a report conducted by the University of Georgia’s Selig Center for Economic Growth. That will be a significant increase over the roughly $800 billion Blacks are believed to have spent in 2006. [SOURCE]

The Selig Center for Economic Growth developed this definitive data series for 1990-2008 and the projections for 2008 through 2013.

In regards to income and wages, the African American median family income declined by $404 or 1 percent and the median weekly wage for African American workers ages 25 to 54 years old declined by 0.2 percent. The weekly wages for African Americans differ by gender—particularly, the median weekly wages of African American men declined in 2007 by 3.4 percent from $649 to $627, while it increased for women by 2.6 percent from $552 to $566.

$1.2 trillion seems like a number to celebrate. However, if we focus on "spending power" then we will be bamboozled and flim-flammed. Spending power ain't realy POWER because it does not translate into the power to have a sustained impact on our own destiny. Black folks spend too much time puffing out our chest about this so-called "spending power" ... when actually all that the $1.2 trillion dollars equals is our "disposable income" ... and Black folks surely know how to dispose of our income. We give away our money faster than any other ethnic group in the country. Only 5% of our disposable income stays in our community. We only spend 5% of our income with Black-owned businesses.

It’s not what you earn; it’s what you keep.
Poor people pay interest; rich people earn interest.

If you have a dollar and the otherman has a dollar. You give 95 cents of your dollar to the otherman. Are you surprised when the otherman's roads are better; the otherman's public schools are better; the otherman's homes and cars are better? When you only keep a nickel out of your dollar in your own community ... can we be surprised when the police don't respect us; when our children don't respect us; when our school systems are bankrupt; when our public services from the local government are substandard. Spending power doesn't equal POWER.

You shouldn’t work for money; money should work for you.
Don’t have champagne tastes with a beer budget.

$1.2 trillion seems like a number to celebrate. Nevertheless, a whopping 24.9 percent of all Blacks are still officially classified as poor and critics complain that despite its absolute size, Black income is failing to create Black wealth because it tends to flow into Black communities and right back out.

Villagers, don't be bamboozled. the difference between income and wealth when it comes to power is simple --> wealth flows from your net worth. What happens to you if you missed two paychecks? Many of us would be homeless if that happened.

Check out a person’s net worth and you can see how wealthy he or she is. The government tells us that the typical white household had over 10 times as much accumulated wealth (or net worth) as the typical Black household. The median net worth (assets minus liabilities) for the typical white family was $88,651 compared to $7,932 for Hispanics and $5,998 for Blacks. Do you begin to see the trick bag that is placed over our head when we focus on "spending power"?

Credit is a good servant but a poor master.
Stop ending each month with more month than money.

Villagers, the next time you see the statistics on Black Buying Power, stop and think about the word “power” and what it means in that particular context. Power for whom? Yes, it’s Black Buying Power, but it’s power for those who receive some 95% of our $1.2 trillion everyday. It is power for others to purchase fine homes and cars. It is power for others to build their own communities. It is power for others to send their children to college. It is power that allows the otherman to maintain their collective hold on the economic system of this country.

Jim Clingman uses the term “Black Buying Weakness.” If we continue to give our power to someone else through our conspicuous consumption of their products and services, we will continue to have billions of dollars in aggregate income and only thousands of dollars in individual family wealth. Additionally, we will continue to have the power of income rather than the power of wealth, which only allows us to our pay bills, continue to work on the proverbial plantations, purchase all of our needs and wants from the proverbial company store, and create the power of wealth for others.

Do you remember the systems of sharecropping and dependence upon the company store shown in the final episodes of the Roots miniseries? It seems like we are repeating that same history today as we convert our $1.2 trillion of spending power into relative miniscule amount of wealth that Blacks have. We could never catch up then, and we will never catch up now, if we continue to depend upon income rather than wealth.

The power of wealth manifests itself in ownership and control of income-producing assets and infrastructure such as banks, hotels, manufacturing facilities, real estate, distribution channels, and other wealth-builders and wealth-retainers. The power of income manifests itself, via the transfer of that income to others, in ownership and control of assets by others from whom Black folks must purchase our very sustenance. If we allow that system to continue, by pouring the vast majority of our income into the vast pools of wealth owned by others, we will always be on the bottom of the economic heap. Yes, some of us will still have the latest cars, fine homes, stock portfolios, and high positions (jobs) in corporate America, but collectively we will remain an income-rich and wealth-poor group of Africans in America.

We must take stock of our economic position in this country by understanding that income is not wealth. Villagers, you are encouraged to redirect more of your income toward your own people, just like other groups do. And, the next time they count how much money we have collectively, they will add a footnote that says, “Black spending among Black owned businesses has increased significantly, the result of which is an increase in the net worth of Black families as well as an aggregate increase in Black wealth.

The power of income or the power of wealth. Which would you prefer for our people?

Old School Friday: Michael Franks

Every once and a while it’s time to try something new and different. The theme for this week is Outside My Box”. It’s time to showcase things that are not normally associated with me ... things people wouldn’t believe that I’d listen to…

My choice is Michael Franks. He's a jazz musician that I discovered during my college days. I couldn't find any video of him. However, here are two of my favorite Michael Franks' songs. Both are on my iPod right now. I hope you enjoy his flow.

Asante sana to Mrs Grapevine and Ms Marvalus for creating Old School Friday. I encourage all villagers with a blog to participate in this weekly meme!

Nothing New: Bonnie Sweeten Makes False Accusation Against Black Men

When white folks in America get in trouble ... the first thing that comes to their mind appears to be ... 'A Black man did it'. As long as it's allegedly a brutish Black man is involved, America will fall for anything.

The latest to find comfort in this racist excuse is Pennsylvania mother Bonnie Sweeten. She made frantic calls to 911, saying she and her daughter, 9, had been abducted and stuffed in the trunk of a car by two Black men.

I knew this was gonna be a fake call when I first heard it.

So I wasn't surprised when Sweeten and her innocent 9-year old daughter were found at Walt Disney World in Florida. A prosecutor said Sweeten will be charged with making false police reports and identity theft.

When will our nation finally deal with our continuing race relations issues? Sweeten isn't the first one to shift blame to a non-existent Black men ... and how quickly white folks want to believe it when it happens. Let's see if you can help me create a list of cases where the "Black man did it" was used:
  1. Ashley Todd - This McCain volunteer said she was robbed by a 6'4" Black man.

  2. Charles Stuart - This is the guy who lied about a Black guy with a raspy voice shooting his pregnant wife to death.

  3. Susan Smith - This is the young woman who killed her babies by driving them into the lake. She blamed it on a gun-toting Black man who she invented. She said that this imaginary Black man car-jacked her and took the car and babies.

  4. Frances Taylor - She blamed an assault on an imaginary Black man to conceal her own affair. As a result, the entire town of Rosewood was burned down.

  5. Ruby Bates and Victoria Price - These two young white girls falsely accused nine Black boys of raping them. The nine Black boys were known as the "Scottsboro Boys" and they were found guilty of a crime they did not commit.

  6. Jacquelyn Parfait - She told the police that she was abducted by two Black women who took her to a home where she was repeatedly raped for days. Later, she told the police that she made it all up.

What other examples am I missing on this list?

This trite ruse that white folks have about blaming a Black man led to decades of lynching in America. Isn't it time we put an end to it.

I hope that Sweeten loses custody of her children and spends many years in jail. Maybe that response will cause white folks to think twice before inventing an imaginary Black man to divert attention from their own dastardly deeds.

Unique Building * Cubic Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

The original idea of these cubic houses came about in the 1970s. Piet Blom developed a couple of these cubic houses that were built in Helmond.

The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian bridge and he decided to use the cubic houses idea. The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.

I continue to be amazed at the creativity of architects from around the world!

Acolytes (2009)

It doesn't hit DVD until July, but I just cant wait anymore to post our review of this little Aussie gem...

Acolytes (2009)
Sub-Genre- Serial Killer

In Attendance
- Meeeeeeeee!

Cast Members of Note- The hotness of Hanna Mangan Lawrence, Joel Edgerton, Michael Dorman, Sebastian Gregory, and Joshua Payne. Directed by Jon Hewitt.

What's it about?-
Mark and James are best mates, and Chasely is the sassy young harlot who comes between them with her schoolgirl uniform and blossoming sexuality; you see, Chasely and Mark are an item, but like James likes her and stuff, but she doesn't know what to do because she thinks she likes James or whatever but she doesn't like know for like sure... OMG! (This concludes my good-natured poke at teenage culture. What can I say, I'm snarky like that.)

Sexy McSassbox.

One day, while they're all making out together in the woods, James wanders off (presumably to rub one out) and stumbles upon Somebody's Dad burying something and then running off. Soon enough, they find out that Somebody's Dad is actually a serial killer, and that they've stumbled onto his hunting/burial grounds. At least Somebody's Dad didn't catch them snooping around, or they may have just ended up grounded... to death! (Stop rolling your eyes, It's the best that I've got!)

You can't tell me that that's not Somebody's Dad.

I really don't want to explain away too much more of the plot other than to say that instead of calling the cops and reporting their grisly discovery, they decide to track the killer down and do their best to blackmail him. I don't think I'm giving anything away by saying that things pretty much go to hell from there on out.

Oh yeah, you fucked up real good.

The Good- I've been waiting for what seems like forever to see this movie, and when I finally had the chance to, I wasn't disappointed at all. This is a taut, tense thriller, that may walk the road of "Now why would they do that instead of...?" territory, but makes up for it with high marks in every other category. Visually, this movie is stunning. The characters, though frustratingly dumb at times (because sometimes kids can be that way), are believable and sympathetic. The script is great. The casting, cinematography, direction... works on all levels.

I also like that there were several twists and turns in the plot which never seemed like the "twists" that so many horror flicks get caught up in trying to amaze us with these days; instead, they were actually important plot developments, and were handled perfectly. Thank you Jon Hewitt for not treating horror fans like we're idiots... it's quite a refreshing feeling for a change.

Some have said that the beginning half of this movie dragged a little, but I beg to differ; the first half of the movie seemed to me a meditation of sorts on teenagers, in which sexual angst and troubled pasts are set up to play an important role in what comes later. Good stuff.

From Left: Christian Bale's little brother, My future wife, and the 4th Jonas Brother.

The Bad
- Again, stupid kids making painfully stupid decisions all but decides their fate. Are all teenagers truly this frigging dumb? I mean, I did plenty of stupid shit in my youth, but never anything close to blackmailing a serial killer or trashing my moms car on purpose. Or antagonizing a recently paroled bully that once raped me. Just call the damned cops!

The Downright Horrendous
- The whole rape subplot was really creepy. I know it's rape, so of course it's a disturbing topic, but the dirty flashback scenes really skeeved me out.

The Gory- There are definitely some scenes filled with uncomfortable violence to be found here; the film doesn't go overboard with the gore, but it's surely effective when it strikes. I guess it's really more disturbing that graphic for the most part.

The Naked- This movie is filled with teen sexuality and erotic angst but no nudity save a mom bathing with her baby.

Best Line- "Do you know what an acolyte is Petra? It's a beginner."

What did we learn?- Teenagers shouldn't ever leave the house; it's just too dangerous for them out there. Also, never antagonize a sociopath.


Rating- A (9.0/10) This is a fantastic film, in both presentation and concept. It's not a perfect movie, but it's a damn good one that delivers the goods and treats its audience with some respect for a change. Buy this one when it hits DVD sometime in July, and feel secure in the fact that your horror collection just got that much better.

Final Thoughts-
For the record, Hanna Mangan Lawrence is a sexpot. You heard it here first.

She's 18, so it's not creepy to ogle her. Well, it's legal anyways...

Elections Have Consequences: Judge Sonia Sotomayor

This is another good day in America! Our new president announced yesterday that he is nominating Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to the Supreme Court.

Elections have consequences. Our president demonstrated this fact once again with this appointment.

Judge Sotomayor is a talented and fair-minded jurist and will be the first Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court. Her record shows that she'll bring an open mind to the Court and rule on each case according to its particular merits.

I imagine that Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney will object to Sotomayor's confirmation. It won't matter. America wants a qualified woman and a qualified Hispanic on the Supreme Court.

Obama can check off another campaign promise -- to select a person who has demonstrated an abiding commitment to the core constitutional values of justice and equality under the law, someone who understands the impact that the law has on the everyday lives of ordinary Americans.

Sonia Sotomayor's decades-long legal career is a powerful stepping stone to the high court.

  1. She graduated from Yale Law School where she was Editor of the Yale Law Journal and Managing Editor of the Yale Studies in World Public Order.

  2. She was Assistant District Attorney for New York County from 1979-1984.

  3. And she has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit since 1998, before that serving on the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York since 1992.

This nomination is good news for people who care about the future of our rights and liberties. Her nomination is bad for GOP nutcases like Tom Tancredo and Rush Limbaugh.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor will be a justice that makes all villagers proud.

Elections have consequences. President Obama continues to play chess while his opponents are playing checkers. Hispanics, women and all of America are feeling good this week to be living in the Obama era!

Village Prayers for Mike Tyson and His Family

I'm old enough to remember Mike Tyson when he was the most feared man on the face of the earth. His opponents in the boxing ring would crumble during the introductions ... or in the case of Michael Spinks ... 89 seconds later.

I'm old enough to remember Mike Tyson when he was the most ignorant man on the face of the earth. Can you say, 'Robin Givens'?

I'm old enough to remember Mike Tyson when he was the most reviled man on the face of the earth. Convicted rapist. Boxer who needed to bite ears because he wasn't invincible in the ring any longer.

All of us are old enough to remember Mike Tyson as the most sympathetic man on the face of the earth. No man deserves the pain of burying their child ... much less an innocent 4-year old daughter.

Tyson is the father of six children: Gena, Mikey, Rayna (shown in photo above), Amir, Miguel, and Exodus. His youngest daughter was taken from this world too soon. I join with all villagers in extending our prayers and condolences to the Tyson family in their time of bereavement.

Republicans Call Sonia Sotomayer a 'Racist' and a 'Bigot'

The Republican Party seems more and more like an irrelevant group of scared white folks. Listen to their immediate reaction to decision by President Obama to appoint Judge Sonia Sotomayer to the Supreme Court.

Is it just me ... or do these folks sound more and more desperate in their flailing to stay relevant?

Public Sentiment Turns Against Police in Oregon Taser Killing

I noticed that recent press accounts of the taser-related death of 37-year old Gregory Rold are beginning to question the use of force by the Salem police officers.

One recent article contained the following information:

Several residents of the Carriage Apartments criticized police Tuesday for using what they described as excessive force.

"He was a creep, but does that mean you get killed like a dog? They should have hogtied him, detained him and taken him away," Carita Mendez said.

Mendez lives in a first-floor unit at the Carriage Apartments, directly below the unit where Rold fought with police as his mother looked on. Neighbors said she screamed out the window, pleading for help and saying that police were killing her son.

Mendez said the violence left many residents traumatized.

"We've been crying, us girls have," she said. "It's too much for us. It's sad."

Liz Patterson, co-manager of the complex, described the altercation between Rold and police officers as a tragedy.

"It's a tragedy for the family. It's a tragedy for the police department. It's a tragedy for everybody involved," she said.

The four officers involved were placed on administrative leave, which is standard procedure in cases involving a fatality and use of physical force. One of the officers, Jacob Pratt, was injured during the fight, and was treated at Silverton Hospital. The other three are Eric Brown, Adam Waite, and Cpl. Darron Mumey.

Villagers, I remain convinced that these four officers did not abide by the use of force continuum in this case. The penalty for being a creep or a trespasser is not the death penalty. Something went horribly wrong in Salem OR and as a result Gregory Rold became the 20th person this year to die as a result of taser electrocution in America.

When will the Congressional Black Caucus join over 600 people to demand congressional hearings on this rising incidence of taser torture in America?

Wordless Wednesday: Think First and Speak Afterwards

Clive Barker's Book of Blood (2009)

...If you've never read his Books of Blood, Vol.1-6, you really need to.

"Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red." -Clive Barker.

Clive Barker's Book of Blood
Sub-Genre- Supernatural

In Attendance
- I'm Alone!

Cast Members of Note- Jonas Armstrong, Sophie Ward, Paul Blair, and Pinhead himself, Doug Bradley! Based on a short story by horror legend Clive Barker.

What's it about?- This movie starts out with a homeless guy being kidnapped, then segues (via flashback) into a scene of a kinky death-obsessed girl being raped by a ghost for mocking the spirit world; she must have been goth. What other answer could there be? I've had sex with ghosts, but they've never "made" me do it... though I do think it's because I'm of "easy virtue." You know, a slut. (Just don't tell my mom, she still thinks I'm an Angel.)

This is proof that being goth can actually kill you.

The story then becomes a tale of a fake medium and a milfy professor/psychic researcher who decide to stay in the ghost-rape house to obtain proof of the existence of the spirit world. One of them does a lot of writing and self mutilation, the other turns into a whore and sleeps with him. I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which.

Yes, yes, put your hand down... we already know which one you are!

From here on out the ghost world get's even more mad at people mocking them, and decide to take action; they make dragonflies land on peoples faces, make whispery noises, and carve their untold stories into a guys body... I won't spoil the ending here, but suffice it to say that pissing off the entire spirit world at a nexus point between their world and ours probably isn't the best of ideas.

Sure I'm going up there all alone. Right.

The Good- Book of Blood is technically the cornerstone of Clive Barker's horror world; The main character (Simon) becomes a living book of the dead's tales, their stories being imprinted on him for us to read. Lord of Illusions, Rawhead Rex, Candyman, Midnight Meat Train, and the upcoming Dread, all are from the Books of Blood. They could easily make about 5-10 more solid movies out of those little short stories.

The movie is filled with some great and gruesome special FX, and some pretty good moments of tension. My only wish is that they had tightened up the plot a bit and moved forward full bore, rather than spending so much time on set up and trickery.

I did like the beginning and end wrap story though, which came from Barker's "sequel" to Book of Blood, On Jerusalem Street (A Postscript.) It added some nice nastiness to the whole affair and gave a bit of closure in a way.

Not even a character in the movie really, "Girl in pub #1" was just too cute not to include here.

The Bad- The third act... it was a bit disjointed. All of the tension and mood that had been built up from the beginning went right out the window towards the end... it almost made me feel bad for the ghosts instead of being afraid of them like I should be. I guess I just didn't like the "good guy" becoming the "bad guy." Having read the story years ago, and having always loved it, maybe I overreacted a bit seeing it on screen for the first time.

The Downright Horrendous
- The dreaded "twist"... To be fair, the twist in this movie was a part of Barker's original short story, but I don't remember it leaving me feeling cheated in print. I seem to remember it serving the plot in a more subtle way too, rather than upending the whole damned story.

The Gory- Ghost rape, face ripping, multiple acts of body carving/writing, vomiting, gallons and gallons of blood, and a skinning. This is one bloody book.

"Oh God! I can see forever!"

The Naked- Plenty of nudity, eroticism, sex, and um... well, ghost-rape to go around. A good deal of it was creepy.

Best Line- "We have such sights to show you!" Oh wait, wrong Clive Barker movie...

What did we learn?- The dead have highways. Also, old chicks are pretty slutty, and easily duped.

Old chicks are also creepy.

Rating- C (6.0/10) This is a pretty good movie, albeit with some misgivings that keep it from being what it should have been. You can definitely feel Clive Barker's touch throughout Book of Blood, just not near enough of it. Check it out, but beware the twist that pretty much craps on the first hour of the movie.

Final Thoughts- Clive Barker has one of the most twistedly brilliant minds that the horror genre has ever known. Recognize.

OURstory: Barack Obama and Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete

President Obama met with Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete in the Oval Office on Thursday, May 21, 2009.

There are over 50 countries on the African continent. For the first time in over 200 years those African nations can look at the White House and see one of their descendants serving as President of the United States. It is with that historical background that I share this photo documenting the first meeting of an African head of state with President Barack Obama. You can find more photos here.

Rev. Al Sharpton Jumps Into the Education Debate

Many of you saw Michael Bloomberg, Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton on the White House lawn earlier this month. This unusual trio joined forces to work on education reform. Below is a clip of Sharpton's remarks after the meeting at the White House on May 7.

What you may not know is that Rev. Sharpton pitched this idea with Barack Obama while he was on the campaign trail.

I guess it is true what they say -- 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'!

Knocked Off My Feet...

Gregory Rold Dies After Police Shoot Him With a Taser

I'm sad to report that we have another taser-related death in America. This is the 20th taser-related death at the hands of police officers since the beginning of the calendar year. Here is the initial report:

Salem man dies after police shoot him with a Taser
Stephen Beaven, The Oregonian

A purported trespasser died Saturday night after he was shot with a Taser as Salem police officers tried to arrest him.

Gregory Rold, 37, died at Salem Hospital shortly before 9:30 p.m., police said today.

Officers were called to an apartment on Royvonne Avenue SE in Salem about 7:38 p.m. following a report of a man who was trespassing. They encountered Rold, who resisted arrest, prompting officers to shoot him with a Taser and beat him with their batons. After he was handcuffed, officers said Rold was unconscious.

Four officers were placed on administrative leave while Rold's death is being investigated.

It is interesting to note that Gregory Rold cannot contradict the 'resisting arrest' or 'trespassing' charges. He's dead. I don't know all aspects of the law ... but, I'm fairly comfortable that we don't have the death penalty in America for those that 'resist arrest or trespass. Four police officers couldn't control this guy with something less than deadly force? The only response that they could come up with was extra-judicial death penalty?

Villagers, we are 20 weeks into the calendar year and we already have 20 taser-related deaths in America. Isn't it time for you to sign our online petition calling for congressional hearings on this taser torture?

What say u?

The upcoming review agenda...

While a vast majority (if not all) of our attention is focused on our friend Matt's ordeal in the hospital (which is still quite serious)* , we're still trying to move ahead with some quality horror watching and reviewing.

I'm not sure that I'll have the time or inclination to catch Drag Me To Hell at the theaters this coming weekend (That's something Matt and I would normally do together), but I'll definitely be checking out Pontypool on IFC In-Demand when it hits Friday. I love how their putting it on In-Demand and in theaters simultaneously... kudos IFC.

Here's our slate of upcoming reviews, which I'll do my best to get up ASAP:

*We love you Matt, and keep fighting!

Obama Selects Charles Bolden to Lead NASA

We told you a few months ago that Charles Bolden -- a former fighter pilot and Marine Corps major general, is also a veteran space shuttle commander -- was a leading candidate to become NASA's next administrator.

Today, we are pleased to let you know that President Obama made it official by appointing Bolden to lead NASA into the future. Bolden, the third African American to fly in space, met with Obama at the White House earlier this week. Read the full story here.

I have a feeling that the other 14 current and former African American astronauts ... and the entire Negro American Society of Space Astronauts (NASSA) ... are feeling mighty proud today!

President's Weekly Address: 'Sacrifice'

On this Memorial Day weekend, President Obama calls on the American people to join him in paying tribute to America’s veterans, servicemen and women – particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice - and their families.

Villagers, do you have any military veterans in your family? My brother (Capt. Charles Hicks) and cousin (Rear Adm. Benjamin Hacker)served in the Navy. I have another cousin (Kelly Jones) who flew fighter jets for the US Air Force. Charles and 'Uncle' Ben passed away after their military careers ended. Kelly is also retired from the military and actively creating a business based on his passion for racing.

I'll be thinking about these three military men in my family this weekend. How about you?

Michael Steele: 'Press Fell in Love with the Black Man Running for President'

Michael Steele has become a sad parody of himself. One day he is giddy that President Obama is clowning him at the White House Correspondents Dinner. The next day he is saying that his Republican Party will attack Obama 'with class'.

And I now bring you the latest evidence that Michael Steele is a fool.

Listen to this clip of Steele on a national radio show with ol' school fear-mongering about Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the unknown quantities of Barack Obama ... the most watched and known person on the face of the earth.

STEELE: The problem that we have with this president is that we don’t know [Obama]. He was not vetted, folks. … He was not vetted, because the press fell in love with the Black man running for the office. "Oh gee, wouldn’t it be neat to do that? Gee, wouldn’t it make all of our liberal guilt just go away? We can continue to ride around in our limousines and feel so lucky to live in an America with a black president." Okay that’s wonderful, great scenario, nice backdrop. But what does he stand for? What does he believe? … So we don’t know. We just don’t know.
It seems to me that enough Americans knew Obama on November 4, 2008 when they overwhelmngly elected him as our President of the United States.

It seems to me that America knew him well on January 20, 2009 when we came out in record numbers to hear his inauguration speech.

Finally, it seems to me that Obama is regularly talking to the American people in town hall meetings, press conferences, his own website and so forth. He is the most accessible and transparent presidents in my lifetime.

Villagers ... when is the last time that Michael Steele did or said anything that we could take seriously? He seems to add to his blooper reel every week. What are your thoughts on Michael Steele's performance as a national political leader?

The Horsemen (2009)

We're still all spending most of our time at the hospital with Matt (Machine), but I want to get back to some sense of normalcy, so here's a new review. It's not one of my best, but it'll have to do!

The Horsemen
Sub-Genre- Serial Killer

In Attendance
- Me

Cast Members of Note- Dennis Quaid. Also, this is an original Platinum Dunes movie produced by... Michael Bay! Since when do they do anything but remakes? Interesting.

What's it about?- After seeing the title to this movie, I thought it would be about some Ranch-Hands gone insane or something, maybe killing a bunch of hookers and hiding them in the hay, or even a serial killer that targets horses or something like that, but no; it's about some morons thinking that they're the four horsemen of the Apocalypse who kill people in elaborate ways to "make us see." How cliche'. What the fuck are we supposed to see? I like the horse-murder idea way better:

He found Butternut just as he had left him, with the exception of being raped and dead.

The serial killer (or is it killers?) is/are on the loose, and it's up to depressed and bitter detective Dennis Quaid to stop them. He might neglect his kids, essentially leaving them alone in the world (their mother recently died), but he has his trusty partner Stingray by his side, and loves the Detroit Red Wings, so I just have to pull for him.

I like your style, kids. Go Wings.

As the grisly murders unfold, the deadliest lesson of all becomes apparent; adopted Asian kids grow up with huge issues, and are really creepy. If I say too much more, it will give away some of the intricate plot details and spoil the "unraveling" of them for you. That being said, you'll see E the big twist M coming from O a mile away... unless you're not very bright.

You know what Dennis Quaid, you're Emo too. Stop moping around.

The Good- Overall this movie works for me, mostly, as far as atmosphere goes. I love the stark, cold, "winter 1979" feel that it has about it. I do think that it makes the same mistake that so many American horror flicks do in that they try to explain everything to the audience, thereby making it seem less effective in the end.

Comparisons will no doubt be drawn between this movie and the brilliant Se7en; and yeah, there are some similarities, but not enough to really consider these two movies akin to each other. Se7en worked so well because it didn't preach... You eventually find out who was killing and why, but a lot of it was left ambiguous. the motives behind the killings are a bit preachy too, but it was decent overall.

The Bad- Oh god no... whiny Emo kids! Seriously, no one wants to hear about your "problems" or watch you mope around all child-like when you don't get your way... Maybe brush your hair, stop writing your crappy "poetry", bathe, smile now and then... you know, give people an actual reason to want to talk to you. Sure the world is tough, and no, nobody cares about you, but you'll always have twilight. And cutting.

Sure it's intolerance, but look at that hair! Very punch-worthy.

The Downright Horrendous- Kiddie porn. I hope I don't need to say any more on this subject to illustrate how horrendous it is.

The Gory- Plenty of postmortem nastiness including a bag of teeth, and a bag with... well, I won't even say it here (it's nasty.) There's a moderate amount of blood and guts throughout to keep most of us satisfied. There's a scene that takes place between two brothers that is especially nasty...

Best scene in the flick.

The Naked- No, although Dennis Quaid does take a shower. Yeah.

Best Line- Anything Ziyi Zhang said was comedic gold, and not in the good way.

What did we learn?- Raising kids is way too much work. Also, don't adopt.

- C+ (6.5/10) This is a decent enough movie, although it could have been far better with a little more mystery and minus the lame twist ending. Still, if you dig serial killer flicks you might just dig this too. Check it out when it hits DVD in your country.

Final Thoughts
- There is only one true Horseman... The Na-ture Boy, Ric Flair!


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