The Bunker
Sub-Genre- Haunting
In Attendance- Me, Eryn, The Vanilla Gorilla, Cherrie, and Nick.
Cast Members of Note- Jason Flemyng, Jack Davenport, and Andrew Tiernan.
What's it about?- A bunch of pansy Nazi soldiers get too scared to fight anymore, and decide to hide out in a creepy old bunker. There they find an old man and a young boy, oddly enough both Nazi soldiers themselves, and they all decide to start a dance crew.

It's not long before some creepy ghosts interrupt their Ihnen wurde gedient (You Got Served) dance off, and start causing all sorts of havoc and death. To make matters worse, the allies seem to be getting closer and closer, forcing the Krauts to take refuge in the dark tunnels underneath the bunker.

From here on out it gets pretty hectic; no one trusts each other, the spirits of dead Nazi's seem to want them dead, the ammo is running low, and the old man is some kind of creepy liar, and may be in league with Satan. I think. I won't reveal anymore to you here so as not to spoil the rest of the movie, but suffice it to say that once the AT-AT's arrive, the Allies are toast!

The Good- This is one of those movies that I like to refer to as "high brow" horror; well made, deep and engrossing story line, and plays more to your intelligence than your desire for visceral thrills.
There isn't much blood or gore to be had here, and there aren't many scary moments either, but somehow it manages to hold your attention and make you feel just creepy enough for you to care. I love WWII movies anyways, so even if this had sucked as a horror flick, I would have gotten to see a cool war movie.
The Bad- As a Star Wars fan, I'm disturbed to find out about the use of Imperial Walkers by the Nazi's in WWII; and as an American with German heritage, I wish someone in my family had piloted one of those suckers! Yeah, I need help.

The Downright Horrendous- I hate movies that make me sympathize with Nazi's... it makes me feel kinda dirty and wrong.
The Gory- Not so much, but we do get a bunch of gun violence. I liked the part with the flare gun the best.
The Naked- Nein.

Best Line- "Deserted or dead, either way, we can forget them." or "When will you realize I am not fighting the same war as you?"
What did we learn?- Nazi's were people too, just really evil people. Also, never go down into "the tunnels"... nothing good can come of that.
Rating- C This is a decently average psychological horror flick. It's a lot like Below or Outpost in tone, so if you liked either of those, or that style of horror, then definitely check this one out.
The Vanilla Gorilla Says-