Fritt Vilt II (Cold Prey II)
Sub-Genre- Slasher/Norwegian Horror
In Attendance- Me
Cast Members of Note- Ingrid Bolso Berdal is back as the original's final girl, and Marthe Snorresdotter Rovik is the new one. Or is she? Dun dun dun!
What's it about?- If you didn't see the first Fritt Vilt, it was the story of a bunch of Norway kids who break into and abandoned ski lodge, and pretty much all get killed by a mongoloid mountain-man. In this one, the only survivor, Jannicke, is found and taken to the hospital after attacking a cop car with a pick axe...

Eventually, the politi find her friends bodies, along with the evil mongoloid killer's, and bring them back to the hospital. Can anyone guess what happens then? Correct, they all turn into zombies! Ok, that's a lie, but I would have loved that. The dumb ass Nord doctors do revive the killer however, and he picks up right where he left off.

Why did no one listen to Jannicke? Sure she's insane after having gone through what she did, but she was right too... the snow mongoloid wants more blood! I won't spoil what happens next here, but suffice it to say that the trail of carnage gets pretty messy and we get two final girls this time! Bonus.

The Good- This is a pretty decent sequel to a pretty decent Norwegian slasher that we caught last year and liked. As with the original, the sequel breaks no new ground, but uses its setting and some pretty fun/gory kills to keep it interesting.
I love the killer in these movies; he's very ominous and imposing, and he seems to really enjoy his job.

The Bad- More jump scares accompanied by music to let me know when to jump... o joy. Once again, silence works better! Please Euro-horror film makers, don't start using the jump scare thing to death like your U.S. counterparts do. Please!
The Downright Horrendous- When the killer is on the ground, and you're standing above him with a gun, why do you not empty every round into him, especially after what you've been through?
The Gory- Once the killing starts, the blood flows pretty freely... the first half of the flick is pretty dry though. I love the stairway kill the most... truly awesome.

The Naked- I'm tired of the Nords and they way they don't over-use nudity in their horror flicks like everyone else does. We get a shower scene, but barely see anything. Faen!
Best Line- "I've killed him before."

What did we learn?- Dont push women too far, they snap eventually. Also, Norway has way too much snow (and that's coming from a guy that lives in Michigan.)
Rating- A C+ (6.5/10), just like the first one. It's a better movie in some ways, and just about the same in others. Either way, it's a decent slasher that you should check out, especially if you've seen part 1.
Final Thoughts- Poor Jannicke... all she wanted to do was ski.