Does Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC) Have 'Mad Cow Disease'? He Compares Obama to Robert Mugabe

Someone needs to remind South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, whose state has the second-worst-in-the-nation 10.4 percent unemployment rate, that "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones". I suspect that the unemployment rate for African Americans in South Carolina is approaching 20%.

Sanford is a failed Republican politician. He failed to bring jobs into his state ... failed to provide water, sewage, bridges, roads and other infrastructure projects that would attract economic development ... failed to deal with dispair by students in South Carolina. Instead he rants about the Obama presidency.

Sanford has been telling anyone who will listen that he is against the stimulus package passed into law last month. He's made wild comparisons of the United States to pre-Hitler Germany and 1920s Argentina. This week he ramped up his rhetoric when he compared President Obama and other supporters of the stimulus package to the economic policies of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe.

"What you're doing is buying into the notion that if we just print some more money that we don't have, send it to different states - we'll create jobs... If that's the case why isn't Zimbabwe a rich place?"..."why isn't Zimbabwe just an incredibly prosperous place. Cause they're printing money they don't have and sending it around to their different - I don't know the towns in Zimbabwe but that same logic is being applied there with little effect."

Sanford is saying that our situation is comparable to Zimbabwe, a nation in the throes of an economic meltdown:
Personally, I think it is time for the citizens of South Carolina to bitch-slap Gov. Sanford. The Democratic National Committee is more diplomatic in their response video:

What is your take on Gov. Mark Sanford?
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