Sub-Genre- Torture Porn/Revenge
In Attendance- Me
Cast Members of Note- The double hotness of Amy Shiels and Lucy Holt.
What's it about?- Once the cameraman figured out how to get the camera in focus, the movie starts out with a hot chick moving to a new city to escape her abusive boyfriend. She meets a redneck slut in a club, lesbian tension fills the air, and they end up living together.

On the slut farm, the abused chick snoops around a little too much, and angers Pa. From here, a crazy plot unfolds about child abuse, fireflies, self-dentistry, pent-up anger, creepy stalker ex-boyfriends, and pigs. Also, being slutty is a pretty big part of the plot, and I wholly support that.

Crazy torture and typical stalk, hide, repeat, and repeat again ensues... There's not much else to say about this one.
The Good- I guess if you like torture porn and violence, it gets good towards the end?
I hate bashing movies, especially the lower budget Indie fare, because a lot of heart goes into them and they don't usually have the resources of the big Hollywood productions... but this movie was just poor.

It's almost as if the filmmakers made it just to see what would happen if they tried. There's nothing original about it, the characters suck, and the ending turns into a cliche, "seen it before, and done better" mess... I'm gonna stop now, because if I don't I'm just going to start sounding mean.
The Bad- The script gave me fits; It's slow, filled with wooden characters whose actions border on the ridiculous, it's predictable, cliche, contrived... and most of all, it's just not effective.
The Downright Horrendous- Why can't After Dark Horrorfest add some quality films to their lineup? So many good horror flicks out there fight to get distributed and usually go straight to DVD, so why not rescue them instead of investing time with so many low budget suck-fests? Imagine this lineup; All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, Eden Lake, Mum & Dad, Killer Movie, Splinter, Baby Blues, Dance of the Dead, Rovdr... Just an example, but they are all solid films, and all stuck in limited release/straight to DVD hell... The good movies are out there, Horrorfest needs to start finding them.

The Gory- Tooth extraction, self tooth extraction, hanging, dismemberment, knife violence, shotgun violence... there's a little bit of the messy stuff to be found here.
The Naked- This is as much nudity as we get from this movie. I call BS!

Best Line- "How old were you when you got your cherry popped Faith?"
What did we learn?- Horror isn't always scary.
Rating- D (3/10) Really, don't waste you time with this one. It's slow, uneventful, and a retread of stories we've seen done 100 times better... Slaughter is easily one of the worst offerings that Horrorfest has given us, and that's saying something.
Final Thoughts- The best part of this movie is them.