Evolution of the AfroSpear

The AfroSpear continues to evolve from its origin a few short months ago when FreeSlave and others ruminated on 'What to do in the Afrosphere'.

There is a blogosphere out there with a kazillion bloggers. The blogosphere is not very diverse according to the Washington Post. Some white bloggers and some Black bloggers. The Black bloggers make up something that is commonly referred to as the "Blackosphere".

Within the "Blackosphere" are many Black bloggers posting information on any number of subjects. Those concerned African Diaspora bloggers who discuss problems that affect people of African descent, create solutions and action plans to solve those problems, and enact the plans using Internet resources evolved into a more intimate group known as the "Afrosphere". This group is organizing with itself as an Afrosphere Bloggers Association.

And deep within the soul of the "Afrosphere" is the vanguard of bloggers of African descent known as "The AfroSpear". The AfroSpear works to carve a path for our people into this 21st century. In effect, the AfroSpear is the realization of an online think tank for Black progressives to discuss, muse, and ruminate issues that affect our communities. The AfroSpear is not a monolithic entity ... but rather a virtual force that encourages lively debate, discourse, and an occasional disagreement as we hone a thought or platform on a particular issue.

Francis Holland created a diagram that shows this evolution in a more visual manner.

The roster of AfroSpear bloggers is powerful in terms of quality and growing daily. It is a group of brothers and sisters achieving positive and actionable results on a wide range of issues. As PlezWorld noted,
'...the real power and effectiveness of such an AfroSpear will be borne out of its ability to affect change in our way of life and in a broader sense, that of America. Let's see if our collective foray into the great abyss of the blogosphere will be a call to those who need our votes or to those who seek our approval.'
I am proud to be a member of the blogosphere, Blackosphere, Afrosphere and AfroSpear! I encourage you to check out the AfroSpear Blogroll over on the left-hand side of my blog. Visit some of these brothers and sisters and support their efforts to 'make a difference' for our peeps. If you are a Black blogger of African descent ... then I invite you to be part of Villager's Black Blog Rankings.

In any case, I'm interested in your thoughts about the evolution of The AfroSpear. Well villagers ... what say u?

Should We Support Obama's Budget?

I must admit that the budget submitted to congress by President Obama looks like my personal budget ... more money flows out than flows in. The difference is that I can't print money at my house.

That being said ... we elected President Obama because he had specific ideas and programs that he feels will change America in a positive way. I respect him for doing what he said he was going to do. He allows the Bush tax cut for the wealthy to expire. He provides a tax cut for 95% of working Americans. He makes large investment in health care reform and energy independance.

At the end of the day ... we elected President Obama to lead us out of our current economic crisis. He says that he needs this budget passed. My attitude is that we should trust him. We should give him the budget that he needs. Here is how he introduced the budget to America yesterday.

I encourage you to invite other villagers to watch this video. In the meantime, what are your thoughts on the federal budget proposed by President Obama?

Gordon Brown Invites African Union to G20 Summit

A number of villagers were part of the 51,000 ONE members that signed an online petition to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, letting him know that people around the world think it is important that the world's poorest countries have a say in reshaping the global financial system.

He listened.

The British Government extended an invitation to African Union leaders to send a representative to the G20 Summit.

This is really good news at a challenging time. While an invitation to a meeting doesn't have the immediate impact of funding development programs or cancelling debt, it is a vital step. The whole world is suffering because of the economic crisis, but the world's poorest people are the hardest hit. As the new international finance rules and structures start to take shape, it is critical that their voices are heard.

Obama Announces End of Iraq Combat Mission (Video)

President Obama continues to keep his campaign promises. Obama declared that the United States would end its bloody and costly combat mission in Iraq by late summer of 2010.

"Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," he said in a speech at the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune, N.C. "As we carry out this drawdown, my highest priority will be the safety and security of our troops and civilians in Iraq."

Mayor Dean Grose Resigns Due to Backlash on Racist Watermelon Email Postcard

Villagers will be happy to know that Los Alamitos mayor Dean Grose plans to resign next week. He insulted the Black community (in general) and President Obama (in particular) with the email postcard that he sent out last weekend.

According to Grose, “There is no way that I meant anything racist in my email. I was merely criticizing Obama’s fiscal plan, which is so horrendous that it’s almost as if it were written by watermelons.”

Obviously, he is a liar. He knew the so-called humor was race-based when he created and shared the email photo. His claim to be “absolutely shocked” at being labeled a racist is specious.

Anyhow, he issued an apology and indicates he will resign at the next City Council Meeting to be held on Monday night, March 2.

Perhaps this will be a learning moment for irresponsible Republican leaders who continue to think that it is OK to publically share racist images and comments about our president or the African American community.

Walled In (2009)

Here's one that I liked, but the ending ruined it for me...

Walled In
Sub-Genre- Trapped/Survival

In Attendance
- Me

Cast Members of Note- Mischa Barton, Debra Kara Unger, Cameron Bright.

What's it about?- This movie sure starts on one f'd up note; a little girl is "Walled" into a tiny little space, and starts screaming for her dad. We then get to watch the room begin to quickly fill up with concrete, and hear her cries stop. Poor kid.

Maybe next time don't sass so much, and just do your chores.

This is a story about a mason gone bat shit crazy, and a girl demolitions engineer sent to blow his building back to hell! Mostly. Mischa Barton plays a naughty girl trying to go straight by holding a job, except she cant escape her vices... she smokes weed, lets a 15 year old kid rub her up, has sex, takes of her shirt in front of strangers... she's trouble!

Bad girl, Mischa! Call me though, we should hang.

So anyways, years ago a bunch of people were sealed up in the walls of this old building and murdered (like the little girl), and now Mischa is prepping it for demolition, and odd things begin to happen. Thank god she has a creepy 15 year old little buddy that will keep her safe. Yeah. Trust him. I would.

Smoke some more weed why don't you.

I wont spoil the ending here for you, mainly because the ending spoiled the movie for me, but it's safe to say that creepiness ensues.

The Good- This movie had me entertained right up until the last 10 minutes or so, and then it completely lost its footing. I don't understand what happened in the final minutes of the third reel, as it lacked in a few different ways. I won't go into it here because I don't wait to spoil the events for those who haven't seen it, and it's mostly a decent movie, but it pissed me off.

With the pacing, there are some genuinely creepy moments in this movie. The whole idea of being "walled in" is seriously disturbing to me, and the theme works well in the creepy setting.

Mischa Barton actually did a pretty good job with her role in this. Unfortunately, Cameron Bright is still doing his "Creepy kid" routine, and it's no better than it was before.

The Bad
- Are we supposed to buy Mischa Barton as a demolitions engineer? Or that she's sent on her first job alone to plan out the demo of a massive creepy old building? Don't they send teams in for that? And when the crew does show up, the way they behave seems to fit the plot more than it does reality.

Sorry, but I'm not going in there alone.

The Downright Horrendous- They totally ripped off the Nightmare on Elm Street Rhyme! "9,10, He'll wall you in?" Thieves!

The Gory- A leg injury, blood dripping from a wall, spear gun violence, dog violence, a stabbing or two... this one contains a fair amount of violence I suppose.

The Naked- Mischa takes a bath, but we get no goodies. A few more times she teases us and comes close, but leaves us hanging.


Best Line- "But waking up with a dead dog as a house guest makes me think, perhaps it's time to go." or "She can't take care of you like I can."

What did we learn?- When someone says "Let's go" , just friggin leave. Also, never trust the creepy neighbors.

- C- I actually like this movie until it absolutely shit the bed with about 10 minutes left, hence the low grade. For the most part this is well made, well acted, and does a great job with atmosphere and mood... I say see it, but the end will most likely leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Final Thoughts-
She smokes weed, doesn't mind nudity, and has no issue with lesbian scenes... We like this girl.

First Image from H2!

Laurie Strode (Scouty Compton) being worked on in the ER; does part 2 pick up right after the events of part 1?

Halloween 2 has started shooting, and Rob Zombie is keeping fans apprised of its progress via his Myspace page once again.

Everything is going great. This film is going to blow away my last trip to Haddonfield. Ultra gritty, ultra intense and very real. Here is a sneak peek of Laurie moments after being wheel in to the ER.

I'm geeked for this one, as I really liked the 2007 remake of the original (for what it was.) Six months and counting!

Am I Not Human? Stop Violence Against Women in the Congo

Our blog participates in the 'Am I Not Human?' blogging campaign on the 27th of each month. This month we want to raise awareness and urge action to end the devastating violence toward women in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Amnesty International is partnering with the ENOUGH campaign and others in the fight to stop violence against women in the DRC.

I encourage all villagers to take action.
What say u?

Declaration of Financial Empowerment

We are strong believers in the concept of Ujamaa (collective economics). We invited each of you to join the Blackonomics Million Dollar Club and shared with you the information about the consumer spending power in our community.

At the end of the day, each of us needs to began an individual wealth initiative. One of the first steps that we can each take is to seriously consider the Declaration of Financial Empowerment shared with us by Black Enterprise.

Declaration of Financial Empowerment

From this day forward, I declare my vigilant and lifelong commitment to financial empowerment. I pledge the following:
  1. To use home ownership to build wealth
  2. To save and invest 10% to 15% of my after-tax income
  3. To be proactive and knowledgeable about investing, money management, and consumer issues
  4. To measure my personal wealth by net worth, not income
  5. To engage in sound budget, credit and tax management practices
  6. To commit to a program of retirement planning and investing
  7. To teach business and financial principles to my children
  8. To support the creation of profitable, competitive, Black-oriented enterprises
  9. To use a portion of my personal wealth to strengthen my community
  10. To ensure that my wealth is passed on to future generations

I accept and make this commitment to financial empowerment. Any other villagers willing to take the pledge with me?

February 2009 Wrap-Up

The year keeps getting better and better for DVD releases as it goes on, so I guess I won't complain too much about the sparse theatrical showing that horror has made this month.

At the box office we got...
-1 Cool Movie- Friday the 13th. This one seems to have divided horror fans as to whether it sucked or ruled, but it's made 71 million plus so far, so it's good for the genre at least.
-2 Limited Releases- Babysitter Wanted and Eden Log, both of which I'd like to see. Babysitter Wanted looks especially good to me.

On DVD we got...
Own it- His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of F13th, Re-releases of F13th Parts 1-3, Killer Movie, Midnight Meat Train, Last House on the Left SE, The Bird With the Crystal Plumage SE
Rent it- Dorothy Mills, The Lodger, My Name is Bruce, Alien Raiders, Quarantine, Red Mist.
Skip it- Feast 3, The Haunting of Molly Hartley.
Rent or Skip, we can't decide- Against the Dark, Red Sands.
The one's we haven't seen yet- Small Town Folk

So, 1 good theatrical flick and a bunch of great buy/rent DVD's just about sums up the shortest month of the year.

March brings The Last House on the Left remake (which looks pretty good), The Haunting in Connecticut (Which I'm not sure that I want to see), and another slew of awesome DVD's such as Let the Right One In, all 8 of the After Dark Horrorfest titles, and Twilight... Ugh.

Most Racist City in America

I see that Modesto CA is the worst city in America. The city scored poorly for its high cost of living, high unemployment rate, lack of activities, and the highest car theft rate in the United States.

Forbes claims that Stockton CA is the most miserable city in America. Stockton was ground zero for the housing boom and now the subsequent bust. Home prices more than tripled between 1998 and 2005 and then came crashing down last year. Stockton had the country's highest foreclosure rate last year at 9.5%. Things are not looking much brighter in 2009 as housing prices are expected to fall another 36% on the heels of a 39% drop in 2008. Also, unemployment is expected to jump to 13.3% from 10.4%.

Both of those cities can be glad that they are not Paris TX. I am convinced that Paris TX is the most racist city in America. There are only 26,000 people living in Paris TX, yet the town's racial animus keeps it in the national spotlight.

Paris first drew national scrutiny in 2007, after a 14-year-old African American girl, Shaquanda Cotton, was sentenced by a local judge to up to seven years in a youth prison for shoving a hall monitor at Paris High School. Three months earlier, the same judge had sentenced a 14-year-old white girl to probation for the more serious crime of arson. National civil rights protests, petition drives and media attention forced Shaquanda's early release from prison.

Then last year, a 24-year-old African American man, Brandon McClelland, was murdered by two white men who dragged him beneath a pickup truck until his body was nearly dismembered. The accused killers are awaiting trial for murder, but McClelland's family and civil rights leaders have pressed prosecutors to add hate-crime charges as well.

Only a few weeks ago, race relations had reached such a low point in the troubled east Texas town that federal Justice Department mediators were called in to try to bring together Black and white citizens, but the public meeting quickly dissolved into rancor.

Now we learn from the Chicago Tribune that fresh racial tensions are erupting inside one of the town's biggest employers, the Turner Industries pipe fabrication plant, where Black employees charge that hangman's nooses, Confederate flags and racist graffiti have been appearing throughout the workplace for months.

One worker, Karl Mitchell, took pictures of the offensive symbols in early February and filed a formal complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last week. Other African American employees assert that they've repeatedly complained about the racist symbols to their bosses, only to be ignored or told to keep quiet.

"Somebody had to step forward," said Mitchell, who also alleges a pattern of wage and promotion discrimination at the plant stretching back nearly two years. "They are so wide open with [the racist displays] and so certain that African Americans aren't going to say anything about it."

John Fenner is Turner Industries' lawyer claims that the company only learned of the discrimination allegations last week, when photographs of the racist symbols began circulating on the Internet.

"All of us in management find all of that offensive. We do not condone any displays of this type. I can promise you that in the event we uncover that any of our people participated in the display of any of those matters, they may very well lose their jobs."
It must be a damn nightmare to be a Black man, woman or child in Paris TX. After all, it is now the reigning champion as 'Most Racist City in America'.

Village Gift Idea: Toilet Seat Lifter

TOILET SEAT LIFTER - 'Who left the Toilet Seat up?' The Peace Maker will end the battle of the toilet seat. Merely step on the pedal to activate the lifting mechanism. When finished, remove your foot from the pedal and the seat gently comes to a rest where it started.

More Racism from Republican Leaders -- This Time it is 'Watermelons on the White House Lawn'

Why do Republican politicians insist on insulting our nation's president with racist rants and images under the guise of ignorance or humor. Did you see where southern California Mayor Dean Grose sent out an e-mail this past weekend depicting the White House lawn planted with watermelons, under the title "No Easter egg hunt this year."

Mayor Grose was outed by a local businesswoman, Keyanus Price, who said,
"I have had plenty of my share of chicken and watermelon and all those kinds of jokes. I honestly don't even understand where he was coming from, sending this to me. As a Black person receiving something like this from the city-freakin'-mayor - come on."
Grose was re-elected to the Los Alamitos City Council in 2006 with the backing of Congressman Ed Royce, Senator Tom Harman and then County Supervisor Jim Silva. The “Orange County Republican Leadership Voter Guide” claimed that Grose was part of the “Orange County Republican Team” and announced that Grose was endorsed by the Orange County Republican Party. Los Alamitos is a 2 1/4-square-mile Orange County city of around 12,000 people. The mayor is elected by fellow members of the five-seat City Council.

Grose responded that he didn't mean to offend her. He said he was unaware of the racial stereotype that Black people like watermelons.

"Bottom line is, we laugh at things and I didn't see this in the same light that she did. I'm sorry. It wasn't sent to offend her personally - or anyone - from the standpoint of the African American race."
I hope that Grose is removed as mayor of his town for being a fool ... and for lying to us as if we were fools. Does any villager think that Grose didn't know that watermelons are part of a racist stereotype that Black people have endured for many years? Didn't he learn anything from similiar situation last year at the California State Fair?

I wonder if Michael Steele, the new RNC Chair, will have anything to say on this about this racist rant from one of his GOP leaders?

GOP Leader Alan Keyes Calls Obama 'an Abomination'

I don't have much regard for the Republican Party. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were both scary people to have in the White House. One of the GOP candidates for president last year was Alan Keyes. I tend to agree with the assessment by the folks at A Political Season ... Alan Keyes is an idiot. You be the judge ... listen to his rant in the following video:

This is an example of the leadership that the GOP provides to America. Is it just me that gets scared when I see folks like Palin, Jindal, Steele and Keyes?

#22- Burial Ground (1981)

Now this one is a classic. If you love 80's style Italian zombie movies, then read on...

Burial Ground (Le Notti del terrore)
- Italian Zombie!

In Attendance
- Me, The Vanilla Gorilla, Eryn, and Nick.

Cast Members of Note
- Karin Well, Antonella Antinori, Anna Valente, and the utterly creepy Peter Bark.

What's it about?- Three couples and a creepy little kid that looks like he's in his 40's, head to a remote country estate to have a wild weekend of sex, creepy incest, and sex. Unfortunately for them, a bunch of rotted old zombies decide to rise from the grave, and join in the party, adding flesh eating to the whole incest and sex thing.

He's cute right? Go ahead and tuck him in. Go on...

The zombies move about as quick as a crippled 90 year old man trying to climb a molasses staircase, and yet everyone still has the darnedest time outrunning them. I guess they forgot that they had cars too, because driving away would be something the zombies might suspect? Running from the undead, then waiting for them to catch up, then running and hiding, the dying sucks as a plan to me. Maybe I don't get it because I'm not Italian.

"Were coming, were coming. God, just relax... even more than you already are."

The creepiest part of the whole weekend comes when the mom and her son start kissing and rubbing on each other, ending in a near fingerbang that leaves even mom a bit shocked. Later, she let's him lick on her nipple and bite it off. I guess mom's a bit of a slut, eh? Either that, or creepy little Michael's just got it like that. Either way It made me spit up a little.

I won't spoil the ending here, but suffice it to say that once again, the Italians leave me scratching my head. And laughing.

They spelled prophecy with an "f"... LULZ!

The Good- This movie gives us the classic old school, slow moving Romero/Fulci like zombies, as only the Italians of the early 80's could do it. As cheesy of a movie as this is (The dubbed voices made me lol several times), Eryn said "Cool" or " I love them!" every time a new zombie came on screen. They just looked cool, and moved all bad-ass slow style, and always managed to get their pound of flesh! Good stuff.

Ok, so this is an early 80's Italian horror flick... You have to expect lame/funny dubbing, ridiculous and nonsensical plot elements, and and ending that will literally make you say "huh?!?" The payoff though is in what you get in return; tons of gore, some bad ass visuals, hot and slutty chicks that get naked often, and some messed up plot elements that will make you say "wtf?!?"

They don't make 'em like this anymore folks.

The Bad
- Is it too much of a stretch to suggest that you grab the car keys and drive off... in one of the three cars sitting outside? How about running? Maybe you could do that when flesh eating zombies are shambling towards you. Then again, you just standing there saying "What's going on?" gives me reason to yell at the screen I guess.

Just sit there, don't run or anything.

The Downright Horrendous- That little kid was creepy, and the mom wasn't much better; did she not think it odd to be kissing her son over and over again while he's playing with her boobs? At least she freaked out a little when he tried to finger her. I'm not kidding.

Yes, that really happened.

The Gory- It's an Italian zombie flick, of course it's gory; gut munching, skin ripping, flesh eating, head splitting, zombie splattering, shard of glass violence, farm implement violence, nipple ripping... tons of the crimson goodness!

The Naked- It's an Italian horror film from the early 80's, you know you get some quality boobs and butts!

Yes, yes, I covered up the nipple! Geesh.

Best Line- "You look just like a little whore, but I like that in a girl." or "You're getting a raise out of me alright, but it has nothing to do with money."

What did we learn?- Early 80's Italian zombies have no equal, for better or worse. Also, kids shouldn't try to penetrate their mothers.

- A- Despite being ridiculous on many levels, this is one of the best zombie movies ever. The look of the zombies, coupled with the Italians love of over the top gore and bad dubbing make this one a must see. Go buy it, you'll probably find it on the cheap.

The Vanilla Gorilla Says- Upon hearing the classic line of "You look just like a little whore" and cringing as the little kid tried to feel his mom up, he exclaimed "This might be my best movie of ever." Touche my friend. Touche.

Fact: Zombies enjoy gardening. This picture is obviously proof of that.

#18- Bordello of Blood (1996)

This movie is exactly what Tales From the Crypt is meant to be; cheesy and fun...

Bordello of Blood
Sub-Genre- Vampires

In Attendance
- Me, Eryn, The Vanilla Gorilla, and Nick.

Cast Members of Note- Angie Everhart, Dennis Miller, Erika Eleniak, Corey Feldman, and Chris Sarandon.

What's it about?- Dennis Miller plays a guy named Rape Guttman, who is hired by a hot virgin chick to find her asshole brother. Using his skills of sarcasm and acerbic wit, he tracks him to a whorehouse which just so happens to be filled with vampire whores. there, he snarks his way in and out of trouble, and manages not to get laid.

She just might be worth it...

Caught between the hot virgin, and the slutty evil vampire queen (Both of whom he'd like to aardvark), Rape does battle with an evil midget, and equally evil reverend, naked vampires, and his overindulgent use of pop culture witticisms. Also, he has a laser gun that shoots crosses. True story.

Dennis Miller... action hero?

I won't spoil the ending here, but suffice it to say that it's a Tales from the Crypt movie, so you know it ends all "Dun-dun-dun!" style.... and with a cheesy outro by old Crypty himself!

"Wait, this isn't Lost Boys 2?!?"

The Good- On many levels, this movie just isn't good; it's cheesy, poorly scripted, predictable, formula... but it's Tales From the Crypt, so that's to be expected. What it does do well, is make you have some fun, and shut off your brain for a little while. Boobs, blood... that's about it really. Boobs and blood.

The Cryptkeeper just rules. His lame jokes, creepy face, and penchant for blood are what made Tales a great show when it was on HBO. I guess he's one of those characters that you either love or hate though.

How can you not love this face?

Let's face it, the 90's kinda sucked for the horror genre. This is one of the better offerings from that decade, for better or for worse. Sad, I know.

The Bad- Like most things with the name Tales From the Crypt attached, this one is heavy on the cheese and humor. After seeing Demon Knight, which was an awesome movie, this played more like an over-long TV episode.

The Downright Horrendous
- Why were neither Angie Everhart or Erika Eleniak naked in this? Neither went on to do anything but crap B-movie roles anyways, so why did they take the high road? Integrity? Epic fail on this one ladies!

The Gory- Though more of the cheesy variety, this movie has a bunch of blood and gore. Of the cheesy variety.

The Naked- This movie has naked chicks galore! I mean some on, it's about Vampire hookers...

Not naked in this. Sigh.

Best Line- "You're reminding me why being married to you drove me to the brink of homosexuality." or "Sorry, Zeke - I'm just not in the mood for a blowjob."

What did we learn?- The Cryptkeeper's jokes suck. Also, never trust reverends or midgets.

- C This is a fun, vampire hooker-filled romp, that will make you laugh and keep you entertained for an hour and a half. After that though, you'll pretty much be done with it. It's worth a watch.

The Vanilla Gorilla Says- The best part of this movie was the boobs.

Wordless Wednesday: President Obama's Speech to Joint Session of Congress

Blog Safari #28

Do you enjoy reading powerful blog posts? If so, I invite you to join us on a 'Blog Safari' to find some talented bloggers and creative blog posts. My Rhino-Guide (she needs a name!) will join you on this journey thru the cyber-jungle to read and enjoy these posts. Enjoy the flow!!
Let us know if you come across any remarkable posts that should be shared in our next Blog Safari!

Where in the hell is Paranormal Activity?

Ever since 2007 I've been hearing about this movie, Paranormal Activity, and how terrifying it is; "A young couple suspects that their house is haunted by a malevolent entity. They set up video surveillance to capture evidence of what happens at night as they sleep. Their surveillance and home videos have been edited into the 99-minute feature film."

Check the official site for a bunch of review blurb's and the trailer, all of which make me drool to see this damned thing!

Official Site

It's shot in the hand-held Blair Witch/Cloverfield/Poughkeepsie Tapes style, and from what those lucky enough to have caught it in special screenings have said, is a dread filled "Real" creepfest.

Dreamworks has since bought the U.S. distribution and remake rights (And is planning a bigger budget remake already), but I wanna see the original first. I'm hoping for a DVD release at least, if they're truly remaking it.

Come on Dreamworks, let us have it!

Alabama Senator Shelby Claims Obama is Not a US Citizen

Soulclap to Black Politics on the Web for pointing us to a town hall meeting in Cullman County, Alabama where U. S. Senator Richard Shelby spoke on rumors of President Obama’s citizenship.

The Cullman Times reports:

Another local resident asked Shelby if there was any truth to a rumor that appeared during the presidential campaign concerning Obama’s U.S. citizenship, or lack thereof. “Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate,” Shelby said. “You have to be born in America to be president.”

Villagers understand that Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America. Somebody point Senator Shelby to this blog post so that he can see Obama's birth certificate.

Viviane Castro Paints Obama on Her Body for Brazil Carnival

Viviane Castro, a Brazilian carnival queen famous for her skimpy attire, grabbed international headlines again for painting President Barack Obama's face on her body.

Castro paraded nearly nude with the U.S. leader's visage on her right thigh. She had Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's face on her left thigh.

Many villagers recall that Castro appeared in last year's Rio Carnival parade wearing nothing but a strategically placed piece of tape 1 1/2-inches (4-centimeters) long, violating a little-enforced nudity rule and drawing a penalty for her samba group.

Yet another reason that John McCain is kicking himself for losing the presidential campaign last year!

Running Commentary Review- Tokyo Gore Police (2008)

Finally, I get a chance to sit and do a running commentary review on this movie... and what a messed up little flick it is!

Keep in mind that these RCR reviews are me sitting and watching a movie, and typing my random thoughts as we go along... Oh, and this movie rules.

START- After a quick head explosion, we move to a bloody chainsaw and bloody scraps of a body... This might be just be good! The bad guy did some nasty things to that body... Special Squad is on the case though! The TGP will get him, even if their main chick is sitting in her car cutting herself... hmm. She's really cutting into herself with that straight razor, she must be Emo.

Random wacky Asian chick interlude!

5:28- After having 5000+ machine gun rounds emptied into him, the bad guy grows a chainsaw out of his arm! I think the cops are screwed. Jesus Christ on a stick... This movie is messed up! Well, the hot Asian cutter-cop shows up dressed like a schoolgirl, and pretty much hands the guy's ass to him. And his nose. And arm. This chick is bad ass.

8:50- 50 gallons of blood so far.

9:34- This definitely has a Starship Troopers-like vibe to it. Then again, Starship Troopers never made me want to swear off eating meat 10 minutes in... but it did make me swear off Casper Van Dien! Screw him.

12:22- Japan sure is a crazy place; the police drink OJ in bars, women will beat you with vegetables, people are scared of the police (much like they are in L.A.), and they enjoy octopus porn (much like the people of Witchita, KS.)

16:50- Japanese viking guy walking his limbless human fetish dog! Really. False alarm, it's just Ruka's birthday party. WTF? They give out merit badges? Nice cake though.

19:00- Flashback time: Ruka's mom goes insane cutting potatoes, and cut's herself Emo style on her daughters b-day. I'm confused, is the fat sweaty Asian dude with the underage hooker part of the flashback? For that matter, is the writhing pink dildo a part of it too? Nope, her name is Yuka... I think. Still doesn't explain the dong.

23:00- Female pimp get drained of her blood; killer uses juicy juice bottles. A Harakiri commercial follows. Stop the Harakiri! Nice message. Back to the chick pimp, she's now stuffed into a small cardboard box.

A handy illustration!

27:12- Ruka is going undercover as a hooker to catch the serial killing engineer, so she hops a train, and catches a crazy commercial: Yay! New designer wrist-cutters! Yay! Yay, yay! They're so cute! Yayyyyyyy! They even come in pink.

30:05- Lesson: Never grab the ass of an undercover cop in Japan, even if she looks like a whore, because she will enforce the law on your ass!

35:43- Crazy 3-pronged knife/sword fight! She cuts him across the nose! Oh shit, the engineer is having a seizure... or... or he's...yeah, he's pulling his face apart to blind her with geysers of blood. Of dude, he pulled it off! He has cannon eyes now... is this an homage to Cronenberg? Pinned against the wall, he's rubbing her up... and opening up a keyhole on her arm with a key he pulled from his brain? Am I on acid?

39:46- 100 gallons of blood so far.

46:46- A virtual Wii snuff game commercial! Fun for the whole family. These commercials kill me, LULZ. Ruka is hot on the trail of the half-headed guy, and realizes she's been set up! Also, the chief gets high by drawing a syringe on his arm?!? A censored commercial showing the TGP playing soccer with some kids using a guys head is next.

51:40- A crazy Japanese fetish party ensues, complete with leather, penis nose appendages, and a snail girl... and a living, breathing, naked, human chick-chair, hooked up to an IV. That one is apparently the hit of the party. Why would I make this up?

OMG, the human chair just peed into the crowd! Yeah. They're drinking/showering in it too. What in the blue hell is going on here?!? This has officially turned into a piss party. Oddly enough, I need to go pee, brb.

I'm kinda scared right now.

55:00- 150 gallons of blood so far. 20 gallons of urine.

56:30- Don't do it, it's a trap! Oral sex or not, no one is strapping me to a chair, especially in bizzarro world. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!! She bit it off! And they showed it! Shoot her! Grab you wiener and run man!

Dude, her vagina turned her lower torso into an alligators maw! Oh yeah, he's finished. Wait, he's shoving his severed arm into her alligator 'gina, and pulling on an exposed vein to shoot her... Just forget it, this is f'd up.

1:02:29- 250 gallons of blood. 20 gallons of piss.

1:03:50- Massive mutant penis gun!

At this point, we're halfway through the movie, and I'm not writing near as much as I'd like to, mainly because so much crazy shizz is happening, that this would be a novel rather than a bullet point style review. From here on out, I'll cover a few of the finer points, the rest you need to see for yourself.

1:23:10- 400 gallons of blood. 20 gallons of piss. 10 gallons of acidic breast milk.

The cops have gone kill crazy by now, and are just slaughtering the entire city at their whim. Ruka has become a secret engineer, learned the truth about her father's death, killed the half-head guy, and isn't happy with the slaughter going on. When she witnesses her only friend being drawn and quartered by the cops, using cars, she flips her friggin' wig!

Mutant justice ensues!

1:31:40- Massive 6-barreled "hand" gun! I can't even begin to describe this scene...

Final Tally- 900 gallons of blood. 20 gallons of piss. 10 gallons of acidic breast milk.

END- The Japanese sure as hell know how to make a messy horror flick. This movie is so insane and over the top, that trying to explain it does little justice. See it, see it now!

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