Solo Review- Boogeyman 3 (2009)

Boogeyman 3
Sub-Genre- Supernatural

In Attendance
- Me.

Cast Members of Note- No one I've heard of, so they can't be of note! I guess the picture of Tobin Bell might count...

What's it about?- Jigsaw's daughter is off to college, where she is haunted by something even lamer than the last 2 Saw movies... The Boogeyman!

The creepiest part of the movie.

No one believes her when she starts telling people about the monster under her bed, and naturally, they all start dying in bloody, yet remarkably not scary ways.

I won't ruin the ending here, because the last scene is actually the best one... It not only has a Hottie with visible pokies, but even manages to be tense.

Why was she not in more of this movie?!?

The Good- What really frustrates me about this kind of movie, is that it's one of those B-movies with pretty decent production value (Thanks to Sam Raimi's Ghost House Pictures), but just falls flat in most areas. It looks pretty, but where are the tension, dread, and terror that should accompany a good horror movie?

I do commend this movie for avoiding the PG-13 trappings of the first movie, and going for a more bloody and non MTV style of thrill.

The Bad
- Seriously, if your closet opens by itself, do you really walk over and step inside?

The Downright Horrendous
- I love when horror movies use jump scares and music to tell me when to be afraid. Awesome! Also, why not be the 5,099th movie to use the "stuttered/broken" movement thing, which was stolen from Asian Horror, and driven into the ground?

The Gory- A hanging, a bong impalement, blood dripping from walls and ceilings, back breaking,
hallways littered with bodies, a cool laundry room scene... this one doesn't skimp on the violence!

The Naked
- Ooh, a bathtub scene! I saw a butt and a nipple! I know, I need a life... Plenty of Hotties are on display in this one, but only one of them gets truly naked.

Best Line- "Wargarbl!" (The call of the Boogeyman.)

What did we learn?- What can we learn from a movie like this, that we haven't learned before? Or better for that matter...

Not their best effort...

- D+ Aside from the ample Hotties on display, and copious amounts of blood and gore used, I have to say this one missed the mark; it just wasn't scary. Not in the least. This movie isn't bad, so much as it's plain, boring, and ultimately forgettable. Unless you're 14, really bored and have seen everything else at the video store, or are scared by absolutely everything, then skip this one.

Final Thoughts- Despite its flaws, this movie did have its perks...

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