Sen. Claire McCaskill Calls for Executive Salary Caps

I like Claire McCaskill (D-MO). She was an early endorser of Obama's presidential candidacy. My admiration for her grew today when she gave voice to many angry villagers with her speech on the Senate floor today in which she said an average of $2.6 million dollars had been paid in bonuses to executives from the first 116 banks that got money from the TARP rescue plan.

"I am mad," she said. "We have bunch of idiots on Wall Street that are kicking sand in the face of the American taxpayer. ... They don't get it!"

Her office said the $400,000 compensation cap she was proposing would include salary, bonuses and stock options.

"We should have done it in the first place," McCaskill said of the proposed salary cap, "but I don't think any of us thought these guys were this stupid."

I like the idea of this proposed legislation. How about you?
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