Misc. Ramblings...

Were hoping to get everyone back on track this week, now that the holidays and the blizzards seem to be both finally over with for all of us... don't ask.

Here's what's on tap:

Group 1- Next on Tap for Group 1 is Bordello of Blood; how can anyone in their right mind not like Vampire hookers? Or Dennis Miller for that matter... The French shapeshifting fave Brotherhood of the Wolf follows after, and thankfully its only the 142 minute cut. Werewolves and Monica Bellucci naked... I'm in.

Group 2- The remake of The Toolbox Murders and Wes Craven's They are next for Group 2, and I can already feel the pain from just the thought of watching those two back to back. At least we have The Texas Chainsaw movies coming up soon...

Solo- Hit and Run and Midnight Movie are waiting for me when I get some alone time, and I'm definitely curious about both. Can either possibly top Steven Seagal's vampire hunting turn in Against the Dark though?

RCR- Tokyo Gore Police... is there a more perfect movie to do a Running Commentary Review on? Bizarre, gory and fun, I can't wait to do this one...
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