January 2009 is over...

... so what exactly has the new year given us in horror thus far?

At the box office we got...
-Three remakes including The Unborn, My Bloody Valentine 3-D, and The Uninvited; which were ok, pretty good, and not good at all, respectively.
-One sequel, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, which has been getting lukewarm reception (although we have yet to see it for ourselves.)
-The 3rd After Dark Horrorfest came and went rather quietly, which makes me wonder if we'll see a 4th... Having seen none of the ADHF flicks, we can't say much about them yet.
-Outlander and Donkey Punch both got limited releases despite being arguably as good, if not better, than the wide releases mentioned above.

On DVD we got...
Own it- Eden Lake, My Bloody Valentine SE (1981), Fritt Vilt (Cold Prey), Splinter.
Rent it- Mirrors, Midnight Movie, Amusement, Repo: The Genetic Opera.
Skip it- Boogeyman 3, Vacancy 2, Saw V.
Rent or Skip, we can't decide- Gutterballs, The Alphabet Killer, Hit and Run.
The one's we haven't seen yet- King of the Hill.

One good wide theatrical release, 2 good limited theatricals, a handful of must see/slew of maybe see DVD's... That's what 2009 has given us so far.

Hopefully F13 can give us the jolt we need come Feb. 13th, because January was a less than stellar month for horror if I'm being honest.
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