Solo Review- Baby Blood (1990)

Baby Blood (1990)
Sub-Genre- Evil Baby

In Attendance
- Me

Cast Members of Note-
The French hotness of Emmanuelle Escourrou, and the uncredited voice of Gary Oldman as the evil baby.

What's it about?- I was pretty sure that this was a National Geographic special about lava at first, but I was quickly set straight; it's about nature, and exploding leopards, and a talking tentacle monster that climbs into a woman's vagoo and mentally manipulates her into killing for it...

Aww, Mommy would do anything for her little baby skin!

It's also a story about a woman and her gestating mutant "baby." Like any expecting mother, Bianca needs to feed her little "mistake" so that it's born healthy. In this case, killing random men and feeding the baby blood seems to be for the best; it's either that or the baby will kill the mother from the inside, and that doesn't sound so fun.

She lures random men to their deaths, drinks their blood, and goes to Lamaze class... I won't spoil the ending here, but let's just say that you don't want to piss of a newborn mutant baby!

Do not anger me!

The Good- This is a gem of a horror flick, and one that begs to be seen. Not only is it well made, the plot coherent and acting strong, but it's a bloodbath on celluloid that any true horror fan should lap up. How this movie was overlooked back in a time when horror was nothing but lame sequels and not much else is beyond me.

I cant tell you how cool it was to hear Gary Oldman voice the evil baby (in the English dubbed version); it made and already cool movie an instant classic for me. His whispering menace actually creeped me out a little, reminding me in places of the demonic voice from The Exorcist. The man only lent his voice to the movie and he still gave a stunning performance... he is my hero.

Baby Blood is also one of the bloodier films that I think I've seen. It certainly will please the gorehounds among us, and may cause some folks to look away.

The Bad- Man that jerk boyfriend made me wanna punch my screen. Then again, most of the guys in this movie were tools, and deserved what they got.

The Downright Horrendous
- Why would you do that to a poor leopard? Bad mutant!

The Gory- Gory is an understatement; exploding leopards, vicious stabbings, rolling heads, blood drinking, blood spraying everywhere... This is a true gorefest.

The Naked- Emmanuelle Escourrou has awesome boobs, and likes showing them; also, her vagina and ass.

Best Line- "I'll split your belly open. I'll rip you apart inside. I'll leave your body if you refuse to feed me." or "Take the knife! Take it!" Creepy stuff.

What did we learn?- Don't ever propose marriage to a French chick, because she'll likely stab you. Also, mutants like to go to the beach.

- A- This is a gem of a horror movie that you need to see. It's well made, gory, creepy, and Gary Oldman voices the evil baby... what are you waiting for?!? Go get a copy of this!

Final Thoughts

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