#30- Inside (A L'Interiéur)

*This was once a solo review, but since both groups have seen it, I've relocated the link to Group 1's section... They saw it first!

Inside- (A L'Interiéur)

Sub-Genre- Torture porn/Thriller

In Attendance
- Me, The Vanilla Gorilla, Eryn, Machine, Geo, Chris, Susan, Michelle... both groups have seen this one.

Cast Member of Note- Beatrice Dalle, Alysson Paradis, and a French fetus.

What's it about?- This is a story about the miracle of life; a sweet, young French chick (Alysson Paradis) is knocked up and just about to give birth, and another French chick (Beatrice Dalle) who wants to help her deliver the baby. Either that, or she wants to take the baby for herself, and kill about 40 people in the process of doing so. One or the other. It's really a story about love.

This is not love.

The bond between two women can be an immeasurable thing. It can be a special, and an often times precious thing... when one of the women is pregnant and about to give birth, that bond ascends to a new level. The police can't interfere with it, nor can a mother or boss... they all just die horribly if they do.
What can come between two friends though, and ultimately destroy an entire relationship, is a pair of scissors.

"I love you!"

I'd love to ruin the ending for you here, and share my thoughts on what happens, but I don't want to spoil your fun. By fun I mean disgust and terror.

The Good- I'll be damned if this movie took any more than thirty seconds to make me cringe; the opening credits even made my stomach start to churn. From the absolute beginning, this movie had me feeling uneasy, and as it went on, the unease turned to shock and eventually to genuine terror.

I don't know if I've ever seen a movie that was this viscerally violent and hauntingly creepy all at the same time. To say that Inside is full of blood and gore is almost funny; It's jam-packed with the stuff, and to the point where I turned from the screen on more than one occasion. The gore, coupled with the terrifying atmosphere and tension of the movie should mess with even the toughest of horror fans.

Beatrice Dalle's performance
as "The woman" was nothing short of amazing. She was crazed, ominous, terrifying and eventually sympathetic in a very odd way, and she kicked my ass for the entire time she was on screen. There is a scene where she is trying to get through a door to have at Alysson Paradis... It didn't look like acting to me.

The claustrophobic feel of the house (where most of the movie takes place) adds to the tension and the overwhelming feeling of doom brought on by the circumstances. The colors were bleak, the shadows were plenty, and the creeping doom was around every corner.

Oh, and the last shot of the movie is truly haunting, and wont likely be leaving my mind for some time to come.

The Bad
- No... not the cat too!!!!

The Downright Horrendous
- Fuck me sideways this movie is mean spirited and a tough watch. That's all I've got to say.

The Gory- Vomit. Blood spray. Pregnant stomach stabbing. Nut sack gouging. Scissor/face dancing... And that's only by the halfway mark... It only gets worse. I don't want to say too much and give away the plot, but this movie will definitely turn stomachs.

The Naked- Unless you count pregnant bellies as nudity, then no nudity. There is a creepy make out scene though...

Beatrice and Asia Argento... Hot.

What Did we Learn?- Drive careful, forget the fuse box and run, and don't watch French horror flicks if you want to sleep the same night.

- A+ If you're any kind of a self-respecting horror fan, this is a must own. Beautifully shot, directed, acted and drenched in buckets of blood; this is a complete horror film in every way.

Final Thoughts- Fuck me sideways.

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