The 10 Non-Horror Films of 2008 You Must See.

Ok, ok, this is a horror blog, not an any-ole-movie blog, but I had to take one quick post to share with you the best non horror movies I've seen in 2008. And FYI; if this top 10 were to include horror, Let the Right One In would be on the list.

This will be really quick... Check these flicks out, you won't be sorry!

The Best of 2008:
1- The Dark Knight- Perfection, both Ledger and the film.
2- The Wrestler- Mickey Rourke deserves the Oscar for this. Period. Brilliant all the way around.
3- In Bruges- This film made me love Colin Farrell, and I usually cant stand him.
4- Milk- Excellent film, Penn is amazing, as are James Franco and Emile Hirsch.
5- JCVD- Great movie, and laugh if you want to, but an Oscar worthy performance by Jean Claude Van Damme. Seriously.
6- Taken- The best action movie you wont see this year, Liam Neeson puts Bourne and Bond to shame.
7- Iron Man- The second best Comic book movie ever made. Perfect.
8- Pride and Glory- I'm a sucker for good cop movies, and this one was great. Ed Norton and... Colin Farrell again? Damn... He's on a roll!
9- Felon- Like Taken, a small film that many may not have seen, but should. Val Kilmer is awesome playing a convict here... just see it. Very moving.
10- Gran Torino- I love Clint, and this movie was mad in my hometown... also, it's really good.

Honorable Mentions:
Snow Angels
Definitely, Maybe
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Quantum of Solace
Vicky Christina Barcelona
Seven Pounds
Slumdog Millionaire
Body of Lies
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