Solo Review- Tears of Kali

Tears of Kali
Sub-Genre- Existential Cult Horror?

In Attendance
- Just me.

Cast Members of Note- No one whose name I can pronounce. Some cute chicks though.

What's it about?- Stupid people + creepy cult= weird shit going down.

This old hippie that looks like Sam Elliot on crack, rubs up on sweaty naked hot chicks and teaches them how to get in touch with their inner beings... mainly by mutilating themselves in one way or another.

I'd still do it with her.

Years later, this guys teachings still linger around for people to use to better their lives; freeing demons from their backs, peeling themselves to death to save them from more bad karma carrying over to the next life, awakening demons from deep inside your "souls basement:... that's where memories are stored you know.

I wont ruin the rest here, but suffice it to say that all hippies are filthy creeps that should be systematically hunted down and killed. Trust me, it's for the benefit of everyone.

The Good- Right off the bat we get to see a hot naked chick cut her own eyelids off, so she can finally look at the world, although everything now looks red. That pretty much sets the tone for what were in for. I cant help but love this movie.

The eerie stories around the Taylor-Eriksson group and their members are told in three episodes, SHAKTI, DEVI, KALI, embedded in a frame plot. This group tried to re-define the limits of self-finding, sex and violence. Starting as a psychological cat-and-mouse-game, the story soon turns into pure horror.

That is the basic premise, but honestly this movie is an eerie mindfuck that makes me nervous to be alone with myself. I love how they give you this mythos about a strange cult in the 80's experimenting with things "Beyond", and then show the repercussions such experiments can have on you even decades later.

I think I like the second story, Devi, the best, though I'm not sure. Each has their own strong points which deserve credit. All three stories were very unsettling and creepy, and certainly gory.

The Bad
- Trying to actually watch someone cut their eyelids off with a tiny pair of scissors, or peel their own skin without looking away.

The Downright Horrendous
- This creepy motherfucker:

"Listen to me, and I'll show you forever!"

The Gory- Plenty of Sadomasochistic good stuff to satisfy you. Self pencil-neck gouging, Eyelid-scissor cutting, people skinning themselves... and plenty more gore.

"Oh god, I can see forever!"

The Naked- A hot naked blond, a not hot naked therapist guy, and some quick flashes of others here and there.

Best Line- I hesitate to pick a best line from a subtitled movie... so none this time.

What did we learn?- Hippies suck; also, don't ever seek therapy from cult's in India.

- B This movie works on nearly every level, including the most important one to me; psychological. It has a few flaws, but overall it's a solid movie. See this if you can find the DVD.

Final Thoughts- I will never go back to my therapist again.

Even the word therapist is creepy; the-rapist. Creepy!
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