John McCain: 'My Friends'

Karl Rove is a friend of John McCain. However, even Karl Rove is embarrassed by the dishonesty of the McCain campaign ads.

Personally, I think McCain doesn't understand the economic hurt that many of us feel when gas prices hover at $4/gallon and 6.1% unemployment rate (double that in the Black community) hits a five-year high and the stock market (including our 401(k) retirement funds) has largest loss since 9/11 attacks in 2001.

The problem might be that John McCain surrounds himself with friends who have the interests of their corporate clients at heart ... not the interests of villagers like you and me.

Obama is going after McCain's lobbyists, too. Yesterday he said, "If you think those lobbyists are working day and night for John McCain just to put themselves out of business, well I've got a bridge to sell you up in Alaska."

What say u? Does John McCain feel your pain or is he so tied up with lobbyists that he can no longer understand what is happening in America?
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