Coming in October: 31 Days of Horror!

Sounds really original, right? Bear with me here...

We have to do something fun for October; as horror fans, it's our month. We get 31 days to celebrate horror, and everyone in the country pretty much does the same. It's our month long party!

I originally thought that doing a "1 movie a day" thing counting down the 31 best (of course that's subjective as hell) horror flicks of all time would be cool, then I got to thinking... That's a hard thing to do. There are so many classic horror movies, all with different things about them that make them classic, that it makes picking one over the other tough as hell; and the amount of great movies that would be left off of the list would be unfair.

I can give you a list of a bunch of them though, and tell you why they're so great. So...

Why not do one post a day, with one movie from each of the 70's, 80's, 90,s and 2000's, counting down the 31 best movies of each decade simultaneously? By the time we get to the top 10 (7 actually), the 31 best movies will all be represented, and all of the "Damn, that should have been on the list!" flicks will get the recognition that would have escaped them if we were doing a straight top 31 list.

Chances are, 1000 of us could come up with an "All time" list, and we would have 1000 very different lists. Now, 124 movies will get some props, and the best will still be at the top of the list.

I think. LOL.

This should be fun.

That's us, hand in bloody hand, getting along. Aww...

*Note- I'm leaving out anything Pre-1970 for a few reasons, but mainly because we all know Dracula, Frankenstein, Psycho, etc... are classics. Plus, 4 decades is enough. Geesh.
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