
I've never trusted Cats either. I strongly believe they're out to get us, and that the the black ones are just Ninjas with Laser Nunchuks in disguise.

Now, since I'm not invited to the Darknesses movie nights, or I just don't drive down really, some of my reviews may be out of sync with his, which I'm sure he'll penalize me for later involving a strapon, some crisco, and a gimp suit. I hate it when he uses crisco not butter.

But moving right along. I've only seen two really horror-esque movies recently, and one is a stretch, but it was still good. Unfortunately, it is not their turns yet in the crazy ass #-Z Z-# system, but you shall see them when the time is right, oh yes children, you shall. However, for the record, I will be seeing Ironman as soon as humanly possible, and every time I see the previews for Dark Knight, I mess my pants.

As for the movies, I'll get to them when the time is right, but here's a sneak peek:

That's right bitches, I watch the good stuff. Stay tuned.

Also, I want someone named Vanilla Gorilla in my movie watching crew, I can't compete with that shit. Although Downey Syndrome does have some swinging power.

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