The Proverbial Horror Hottie of My Generation. (Downey Syndrome's 2 cents)

That's right... Neve Campbell, or Sugar Tits as she prefers only myself and Mel Gibson (exclusively) to call her, is perhaps the defining mainstream Horror Hottie of my generation. A pioneer in the field of cheap thrills and blatant partial nudity, she spawned what would become the Teen Angst Slasher Horror and Teen Angst Suspense Horror genres prevalent in the 90's to early 2000's.

Hate it or love it, Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3 as well as The Craft, along with a smattering of Made-For-TV horror movies and various Sitcom parts that will not be mentioned on such a sacred Horror blog, propelled her into almost every spotlight available from 1993-2000.

As far as the 20-something crowd out there, it doesn't get much hotter than Sugar Tits for a Horror Vixen... Unless of course you consider Jennifer Love Hewitt, or Jerkit McHugetits as she prefers I refer to her, a Horror Vixen for her brief foray into the cheap slasher market...

Now, I will grant you the fact that her career was short lived, and has since fell into nigh obscurity, resorting to appearances on television shows and extremely obscure movies, and even obscure movie musicals..

However, her esteemed career in my angst driven teenage years has cemented her a place in my Horror Vixen Hall of Infamy.

Look for her later this year in a crime drama called "The Death of Harry Tobin", where she, ironically, plays a woman on a small island community, whom writes back to the mainland in regards to a murder she witnessed as a girl, drawing the attention of a brave and dashing mainland investigator. I don't know if the movie will be good, but one thing is for sure... Neve will still be a stone cold hottie.


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