The Week in "Do Not Want!"

We've seen them, we don't want to waste time reviewing them, we advise you to skip them.

Pop Skull- Ok, I can imagine that when people hear me bash this movie that I'll be labeled as someone who "Doesn't get it", but that's crap. I'm all for different, artistic, quietly paced movies, even in the horror genre. I am not for disjointed oddities that go for style over substance for the sake of being artistic. Pop Skull was almost like being on an acid trip and filming it from behind your own eyes, which I guess is the point, but it all just left me frustrated.

This is an art school film at best, and the annoyingly "Artsy" editing doesn't make it bold or fresh, it makes it feel pompous. We can't tell a linear story, that's lame and mainstream, instead let's try to get people to have epileptic fits and show them how clever we are... even though our cleverness may bore them to death well before they have a seizure of any sort.

On a positive note, Hannah Hughes is gorgeous, and not a bad actress.

Smash Cut-This movie was a farce. I hate goofy movies that don't understand what humor or levity is, or how to bring it to the screen in the right way. I refuse to believe that this was the best effort that the filmmakers have in them, and if it is, then maybe making movies isn't their thing.

Also, Sasha Grey should stick to drinking her own piss and doing double anal in porn, because at least she's good at that. She might as well if she keeps on picking mainstream roles like this...

Vampitheatre- Where does this shit come from? I know that I probably couldn't make a better horror flick with $8 and a cellphone cam (which is what they used), but come on! I swear in an early scene they tried to do a quick cut scare thing, but it looked like the vampire coughed!

It had some interesting/cool moments, but they were few and far between the bad ones. For instance, what is with the crappy music video's/interviews/concert footage inter-cut with the movie... ugh. It was basically a music showcase with a few scenes of vampire crap thrown in. Really.

And what is with Linnea Quigley? One of the all-time great scream queens, and she's relegated to this?

The wannabe Suicide Girls were at least kinda hot, in that special way that all bi, tatted, trailer park chicks can be. In other words, they're dirty and you know anything goes with them. You know the kind; they go online and make up screen names like Mandy Mayhem or Amber Anarchy and put a little trademark symbol next to it, and act like they're famous? Them.

Adam Ant's vampire brother says: "This shit was worse than my brother's music!"
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