The DVD club for Tuesday, 9/22

Tuesday's always make us giddy. Why? Because there is nothing better than finally being able to get your mits on a DVD that kicks ass, that's why. On the flip side of that coin though, nothing sucks worse than grabbing a DVD and have it end up sucking. Taste and preference aside, we're here to help you avoid the crappy ones, so that you can revel in the dark glory that is good horror.

So let's take a look at what you should be buying or renting this week.

First off, the good ones. Book of Blood (review here) is an admirable attempt at combining two of Clive Barker's short stories and making them a fun movie. It's not perfect, but it's a decent time at least. I don't own a Blu-Ray player, but if I did, I'd own the BR version of Shaun of the Dead right now. An excellent flick in glorious HD is a no-brainer for me. Buy it.

Next, the question marks. Hot chicks with guns, zombie apocalypse, crazy action, vampires, insane computers... I'm willing to take a chance of Edges of Darkness. On the other hand, after Rob Zombie took the cinematic crap in my mouth that was H2, I am skeptical.
El Superbeasto looks cool, fun, and all of that, but I think I'm still bitter towards Mr. Zombie. I'll give it a chance I guess, but it better be good!

Finally, the classic. I was always a fan of Friday the 13th: The Series, show back in the day, despite it's cheesy formula weekly serial set up, and I love that it's all available to own if we so wish. Now if they'd only release Freddy's Nightmares...

Feel free to skip Albino Farm, as it sucked. You've been warned.

That's it for this week's notables on DVD. Support the genre and go buy or rent these flicks. WE are the lifeblood that keeps the horror heartbeat pulsing, and don't ever forget it! Just go enjoy some good movies, would ya?
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