The DVD Club for Tuesday, 9/15

Tuesday's always make me giddy. Why? Because there is nothing better than finally being able to get your mits on a DVD that kicks ass, that's why. On the flip side of that coin though, nothing sucks worse than grabbing a DVD and have it end up sucking. Taste and preference aside, we're here to help you avoid the crappy ones, so that you can revel in the dark glory that is good horror.

So let's take a look at what you should be buying or renting this week.

Grace is a charming little story about a creepy mother and her ever creepier baby, and the creepy things that both of them do in the name of love. And hunger. It's definitely worth checking out. Deadgirl is another charming story about teenagers raping a chick who is really some kind of evil zombie or something. So, a love story. I found it to be a bit uneven, but it's still worth seeing. Maybe on a second run through I might like it better.

Phantasm II is finally on DVD! If you don't go an buy this, I hate you. Not really, but you have to love this flick. The first two movies in the Phantasm series are must have's. Also, if you don't own one of the 2913 DVD versions of Army of Darkness that have already been released, then grab this one. Excellent flick, but enough with the new version every 6 months already!

This week on DVD also seems to be a "Collection" week, with collections of The Lost Boys, It's Alive, Rest Stop, The Butterfly Effect, and even The Lawnmower Man being released. Pick and choose the good movies from those, as all of them have crap movies along side of the good ones. The Hannibal Lecter Collection on Blu-Ray is worth grabbing, even though I don't have a Blu-Ray player. Yes, that's me pouting...

There are however a few collections worth nabbing if you don't own them already...

Craven and Carpenter are true genre masters, and both of these collections contain must own movies for anyone serious about their horror collections. They're re-releases of the exact same collections that came out a few years ago, but still, every movie here is awesome (Though I could take or leave Village of the Damned.) I own them both though, and you should too.

And finally, whether you love them or hate them, this TCM collection is a fun one. I thought the remake was cool, and TCM: The Beginning was even better, and I give thema spin every now and then, especially TCM: The Beginning.

That's it for this week's notables on DVD. Support the genre and go buy or rent these flicks. WE are the lifeblood that keeps the horror heartbeat pulsing, and don't ever forget it! Just go enjoy some good movies, would ya?
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