Old School Friday: Jimmy Castor Bunch

This blog supports weekly meme known as Old School Friday. We use this opportunity to reach back into our musical memories for songs from the last millennium ... old school songs. This week the theme is A TRIBUTE TO _____!.

I'm giving my tribute to Jimmy Castor. Castor started as a doo-wop singer in New York. Castor then replaced Frankie Lymon in The Teenagers in 1957 before switching to the saxophone in 1960. He formed the Jimmy Castor Bunch in 1972 and signed with RCA.

The Jimmy Castor Bunch reached the peak of their commercial success in 1972 with the release of their album, It's Just Begun, which featured two hit singles: the title track and "Troglodyte (Cave Man)".

Any villagers out there who still remember the Troglodyte song?

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