True Blood: Season 2, Episode 1

The first episode of the new season of True Blood picked up right where the season finale left off last year... in awesomeville! It picks up directly at the events of the season finale, and with what they're setting up already, methinks this season is going to rock.

This picture of Lafayette is anything but PC.

What happened:
Lafayette lives!
Bill shows us that no one messes with Sookie and gets away with it.
I'm pretty sure Bill gave it to Sookie in "The Dirty Place."
It's also notable that Anna Paquin looks GREAT naked. Thank you Anna.
What is going on with Eric getting a friggin perm? Oh, and he's also pretty bad ass.
Maryanne is also a bad ass in her own right, though we still have yet to see what she wants or can do.

"Give me twelve hours reverend, I'll be right there."
"I pray to God you ain't the last muhfucka I meet before I die."
"You sweet thing. It's not your money I want."

I want episode 2 now!!!!!!!
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