My Name is Bruce (2008)

My Name is Bruce (2008)

Sub-Genre- Horror Comedy

In Attendance
- Me, Machine, Chris, and Susan.

Cast Members of Note- Bruce Campbell, only one of the coolest guys ever, and some hot chick who I never knew existed named Grace Thorsen.

What's it about?- Basically, Bruce Campbell is a star of crappy b-movies, and is also a prick. His wife left him for his sleazy agent and is trying to bleed him dry, (pre-op) tranny hookers show up on his doorstep on his birthday, his dog is an alcoholic, he lives in a trailer, drives a crappy old beat up junker of a car... I didn't know things had been so rough for him since Evil Dead. Poor guy.

So he's kidnapped by a crazed fan to fight the Chinese god of bean curd protection, and save some podunk little redneck town. The town is full of gay cowboys, hicks, a girl with the best boobs ever, and more hicks.

Love the shirt.

I don't want to spoil the movie here, because really there isn't much to spoil, but I will say that demon ass is kicked!

The Good- Bruce Campbell... the name just screams goodness, doesn't it? This movie was more funny that horrific, but it doesn't matter; from start to finish I loved it, especially since it was being cheesy on purpose. Nobody does what Bruce does as well as he does... Bad ass and funny all in the same bag.

I think I'm in love.

The next best thing about this movie, aside from it being funny as hell and starring The Chin, is this little phillie in the picture above; Grace Thorsen is a hottie, and she may have the best boobs ever. She needs to get more genre work, now!

The Bad- "I wish I could quit you?" Seriously?

The Downright Horrendous
- How in the hell does pee taste like lemon water? That's just so wrong.

The Gory- Despite there being all kinds of beheading's and slashing's, the gore was more campy that in was disturbing. If gore can be fun, then this gore was really fun. Yet gory. Whatever.

The Naked- No naked goodness, but Grace Thorsen has some sweater monkeys that NEED to be unleashed...

Best Line- "For the love of god man, I can smell her Chapstick." or "Are you ok, Honey?"

What did we learn?- Bruce Campbell is gold in everything he touches. Also, bean curds stave off demons. Who knew?

- B+ This movie is just a plain old fun, tongue in cheek, take-it-seriously-and-you're-missing-the-point, type of film experience. Bruce proves again that he's the man, and that the genre absolutely needs what he brings to the table. Go see it if you can, and grab the DVD when it hits stores!

Final Thoughts

Hail to the king, baby!
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