Will John McCain Stop Fear-Mongering Tactics?

Do you remember when you were engaged in a verbal debate with a schoolmate back in the day? If your buddy was losing the verbal joust it didn't take long for him to say, 'Yo Mama'!

John McCain and Sarah Palin lost three straight debates. They have lost in the battle of ideas against Barack Obama. So, instead of continuing a losing dialogue about the issues, McCain-Palin campaign launched a strategy relying on fear-mongering, racial divisions, and hate.

White folks rarely yell, 'Yo Mama' ... instead we see McCain/Palin supporters saying "kill him!" "terrorist!" "traitor," and more, at rallies, with the McCain campaign playing dumb in response.

Check out this video to see what I'm talking about:

Villagers, I've signed onto ColorofChange's open-letter calling out McCain and Palin.

McCain and Palin are going down a dangerous path. All of it plays on the much more sinister rumors in anonymous smear emails which claim Obama is Muslim, anti-American, and is somehow connected with terrorists. This strategy is powerful because Obama is Black, and it's designed to make Obama's race a disadvantage without appearing overtly racist.

Villagers, we've seen how Barack Obama's historic candidacy has moved our friends and family to have a more honest conversation about race in this country. It's inspired a lot of people to step out of their comfort zone and confront racism in their own communities, with their friends, neighbors and families.

In the final days of this campaign, we can't let a desperate John McCain and Sarah Palin drag us down. All villagers need to stand united against race-baiting and fear-mongering coming from the McCain-Palin campaign.

What say u? Will you sign the petition?
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