45 People Are Shot and Killed Daily in America

Congressman Bobby Rush (D-Il) focused on urban violence recently. He shared some stats that blew me away when I saw them:

More Americans are killed in America than American soldiers killed in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. The Department of Justice reports that, on average, 45 people are shot and killed daily in America. Annually, there are 16,000-17,000 gun deaths in America.

In contrast, the total number of American casualties in Iraq, over the entire span of the war (5 years), is about 4,155 and for Afghanistan, it's at least 500. The combined total of casualties for Iraq and Afghanistan is less than 5,000 since both wars began.

Rep. Rush is sponsoring The Communities in Action Neighborhood Defense and Opportunity (CAN DO) bill in congress. This is an attempt to provide a comprehensive, community-oriented approach to address the issue of gun violence, especially as it affects our youth. The object is to accurately frame the issue of gun violence as a matter of public safety, rather than as a Second Amendment issue or strictly a gun control issue, while also addressing the root causes of the violence.

45 deaths every dayum day of the year!

That is an impact not just on the 45 people each day that stopped breathing ... it impacts on the 45 killers. It is impossible to take another life and not have it affect your soul ... not to mention your freedom if you are caught and convicted.

What is the lost opportunity in our community as a result of this urban violence? Did we lose a future doctor? a future scientist? a future Nobel Prize winner? a future father or mother?

Villagers, as the election comes to a conclusion it may be time to look at other ways that we can make a difference.
What is your thought about urban violence? Does it impact your community?
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