Old School Friday: Star Trek Theme Music

I invite you to enjoy some 'grown-folks music'! Ms Grapevine and MarvalusOne have teamed up to create a weekly meme that we call, Old School Friday. It is our effort to post some music from the last millennium to relive some memories and to educate or just entertain each other.

The theme this week is Television Show Theme Music. I have enjoyed science fiction for most of my life. As such, I have been a fan of Star Trek on television. I actually went to Castle Heights Elementary School back in the day with William Shatner's daughter. My favorite ST character was Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks). I liked him best when he cut his hair and looked more like 'Hawk'. The sexiest ST character was Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan).

Here are the combined theme songs for Star Trek (the original series), Star Trek (animated series), ST:The Next Generation, ST:Deep Space Nine, ST:Voyager and ST:Enterprise.

Who was your favorite Star Trek character? Which was your favorite Star Trek television show?

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