The Heavyweights- These are the movies that have created the most buzz so far, for better, or for worse. A few of them are all over TV with release dates looking, while the others are the talk of the horror geek world...
Friday the 13th- From everything I've seen and heard so far, this one looks like a rockin' good time. Marcus Nispel directed TCM 2003 (which I liked), and he promises plenty of blood and nudity here, which the original F13 movies always delivered. Derek Mears looks good as Jason too... I can't wait! February.
My Bloody Valentine 3-D- Another one I was dreading, and another one that I'm geeked to see. The trailer looks good, and I hear rumor that it maintains the 80's slasher feel pretty well. Plus, good 3-D technology is something I've been waiting for since F13 Part 3 in 3-D... And that was 25 years ago! Bring on Harry Warden! January.
Trick 'r Treat- I don't think I've ever wanted to see a movie this badly... Return of the King comes close, but I need to see TRT now! EVERY bit of feedback of those who have seen it already is amazing, calling it an instant Halloween classic that should be viewed every year, alongside Carpenter's 1978 masterpiece... Now if WB would just finally release it after keeping it shelved for two years... October?
H2- Rob Zombie returns to Haddonfield, bringing Michael Myers back to life in the sequel to his 2007 remake. I liked his version for what it was, and think that part 2 will be a much easier road for him to walk... Word is that H2 wont be set in a hospital as the original H2 was, but I don't care; I like Zombie, and he hasn't let me down yet. August.
Giallo- I liked last year's Mother of Tears, but many didn't; and those people are looking for Argento's return to top Giallo form with Giallo... For any of you wondering what in the hell Giallo is, go get a hold of a copy of Deep Red, Tenebrae, or The Bird With the Crystal Plumage; then sit back and enjoy the black-gloved killer gore-fests that ensue. Will this one actually get a theatrical release stateside? I hope so, but only time will tell. 2009.
Drag Me to Hell- The return of Sam Raimi to Horror, and as a director! I've been waiting for this, as have MANY of his fans (sorry, but screw the Spiderman movies.) Though I have yet to see much in the way of footage or pictures from DMTH, the premise of this one is right up my alley; I love old, hag-like witches, and Alison Lohman is really hot! May.
The Unborn- This one distresses me... I love Gary Oldman, and aside from him being a world class actor, he's done some good horror genre stuff before (Baby Blood, Backwoods, Dracula), but the trailer makes me think of other lame PG-13 attempts at creepy horror... I'm seriously keeping my fingers crossed on this one. January.
The Wolfman- I've never been big on The Wolfman, Benicio Del Toro is a hell of an actor, and the director (Joe Johnston) is a good film maker (Hidalgo, October sky), who is tapped to direct the big screen Captain America movie! So, this one just may turn out to be both a hit, and pretty good. November.
The 2nd Tier- These movies could go either way, but still have a good amount of buzz/promise about them. Sequels, remakes, and even a post-apocalyptic adventure!
The Road- Viggo Mortensen, one of the best actors ever, starring as a man who along with his son, try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world filled with violent cannibals... I'm in! this was pushed back from a Christmas 2008 release, so hopefully we get it in the first half of 2009. Early 2009?
The Haunting in Connecticut- Ghost stories are something Hollywood doesnt get right all that often, and I'm hoping this is one of those exceptions. The trailer had a creepy feel to it, but I pray the "scary" parts arent all jump cuts and quick motion gags... Still, I'll give it a go. June.
Underworld 2: Rise of the Lycans- I loved part one, could give a toss about part two, and so far, part three looks as if it could be decent. No Kate Beckinsale this time, but Rhona Mitra (Doomsday) is a hottie too, and a good actress to boot, so maybe, just maybe... Also, my favorite part of the first two, Bill Nighy, is back, so what the hell, it may just be good. January.
The Descent 2- I really like the Descent, though I didn't think it was the best horror movie of the decade like some did, so I'm geeked for the follow up. Summer?
Book of Blood- Is it possible to have a great Clive Barker movie, from a great Clive Barker story, two years in a row? Meat Train was awesome, and Book of Blood was a hell of a short story, so I'm thinking the answer is yes. Read the story if you get a chance, it will make you want to see the movie all the more. Oh, and the trailer looks pretty good too. 2009.
Rec 2- Loved the first one, and thought it was one of the creepiest flicks I've seen in a while, so part 2 to me is a no brainier. Not much info on this one yet, other than it exists. 2009.
Jennifer's Body- Ok, let's get a few things straight, I have zero faith in Diablo Cody; Juno sucked, with it's pretentious and over hip dialogue, and the previews for her new show The United States of Tara, on Showtime, looks just as lame. Diablo Cody sucks, sucks, sucks... That being said, Megan Fox is HOT, and she get's naked in this. Plus, she plays the killer... I don't know, I'll have to wait for a trailer to make up my mind, but I know a lot of people are looking forward to this. Also, nice way to rip off the True Blood poster. October.
Sorority Row- The same company that did the Prom Night remake... shudder... is handling this one, though I hear it may get an R rating. The original was a fun little 80's flick, typical slasher, so how can they really mess that up? Prom Night... Shudder... It has some hotties in it I guess, although old "Dead behind the eyes" Audrina from the Hills nearly spoils that, so maybe they can pull off a decent slasher. It opens wide in October.
The Wild Cards- These are the movies that could go either way, and many of them are smaller, more obscure flicks that may escape notice unless you're paying attention! We will talk more about them in the upcoming months, I'm sure. Google them for plots and trailers...
Lady Blood, Pontypool, The Dead girl, Acolytes, The Burrowers, The Poughkeepsie Tapes, Orphan, Infected, The Broken Imago, Plague Town, Home Movie, Butchers Hill (Sweet Tooth), The Children, Able, Vampyrer, Bell Witch, Cell, Train, Creek, Lake Mungo, Zombieland, World War Z, Vinyan.