Upcoming Movie Spotlight- Legion (2010)


Starring- Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid, Adrianne Palicki, Jon Tenney, Charles Dutton, Tyrese Gibson, Willa Holland, and Kevin Durand.

What's it About?- In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael (Paul Bettany).


The Buzz- Seeing the trailer was all the buzz I need; sure it looks a bit over the top, but then again, I like that sort of thing. The concept of God (despite what people do/don't believe) getting tired of humans and sending all of the Angels in Heaven to Earth to exterminate them is just too juicy not to be intriguing. Timely even. Add a hot & knocked up chick, guns and karate to the mix and I'm totally there on opening night.


Gore Factor- Not sure, but I'm going to guess that killing a legion of Angels has to be pretty messy; even sweet old Grandma-demons get bloody in this one...

Hottie Factor- This doesn't look like a movie with much of a Hottie factor, although I'm sure that plenty of girls and gay men find Paul Bettany roguishly handsome. Oh, Adrianne Palicki and Willa Holland are actually pretty now that I think about it, so I guess I was wrong.

Dirty, dirty girl.

Our Thoughts- We can't wait until January 22nd, 2010.
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