#38- Black Sheep (2006)

"This is one baaad ass movie!"

Sub-Genre- Evil Sheep!

In Attendance- Me, Eryn, The VG and Cherrie.

Cast Members of Note- Nathan Meister, Peter Feeney, Danielle Mason, Tammy Davis, and a flock of insane killer sheep!

What's it About?- When a man suffering from a severe phobia
of sheep returns to his childhood home -which also happens to be a sheep farm (makes perfect sense to me)- baaad things happen. You see, his evil brother who now runs the farm, has been doing DNA experiments on the sheep trying to cross breed them with humans... I guess that's what made them go insane!

"Baaa baaa ba ba baaa baaa!!!!!!!"

It doesn't help that big bro likes to bugger the sheep either, which I'm sure makes them hate humans even more. With a bunch of mutoid and bat shit crazy sheep running around killing anything not woolen, it's up to a rag tag group of heroes to save the day... and New Zealand? It might have been Australia, not sure. Kiwi, Aussie... I get confused.

With the memory of Sherry Lewis' death just too much to bear anymore, Lambchop snaps and joins the fracas.

Will the angry, infected sheep bite the whole town and turn them all into mutant mongoloid sheep-man things? Will we ever find out what would possess someone to name their daughter Experience? Will a sheep bite someone's wankus clean off? I won't spoil what comes next here, but trust me when I say that it would have been better for all had they just gotten the flock out of there.

Were-sheep? There sheep!

The Good- Say what you will, but this movie was all kinds of awesome. The concept of evil sheep is just nuts, but the way that the film makers seemed to almost be playing it straight made it pay off perfectly. If you like tongue-in-cheek horror, this movie is right up your alley.

Oh, and the last frame in the movie capped the whole thing off perfectly. Epic lulz.

The Bad- Just how much did that cab ride end up costing?

The Downright Horrendous- Man on sheep love is never a good idea... I don't care how lonely the prairie gets. And no, going hoof to mouth is never acceptable!

Snowflake is going to get the ole' rugger bugger!

The Gory- Sheep rape (both ways), mass sheep on human violence, mass human on sheep violence, fresh haggis being prepared... this movie delivers the wet, red goods!

The Naked- None, unless you count freshly shorn sheep as "nudity."

Best Line- "
I'm not a tree. I'm a fucking sheep!" or "You Baaastard!" or "A sheep just ate Angus's Wangus!" Another movie filled with great comedic lines.

What did we learn?
- Being a shepherd is a dangerous job. Also, Sheep can drive cars!

Cotton-Neck bleated like crazy as he drove himself off of the cliff, but it was all for naught. R.I.P. Cotton-Neck.

Rating- B+ (8.5/10) This isn't a tour de force in film making, but it is an absolutely hell of a fun ride that will entertain you if you have any semblance of a sense of humor. Grab a copy of this movie and enjoy your ass off. Now.

The Vanilla Gorilla Says- "The only way this movie could get any crazier is if a sheep showed up with a crazy rocket launcher strapped to his... holy shit!"

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