Upcoming Movie Spoltlight- Black Devil Doll

"If you've ever been angry, black, or a puppet, this movie is for you."

Watch the Trailer
*Warning: The trailers linked above are absolutely not safe for work, and if nudity, racist puppets, foul language or puppet sex offends you, go watch something else (because you're lame.)

Starring- A jive ass black puppet, and a bunch of white ho's.

What's it about- From the Official Site- "A young, moist, buxom teen vixen finds herself hurled into an odyssey of forbidden sex and unspeakable violence after an innocent evening dabbling in the occult. What started as a simple child's game has now become a fight for her life! What is this evil that she has summoned from beyond? And why does it have a fro? What kind of horrific acts will she be subjected to? And what price will her super-hot, half-nude friends have to pay? But more importantly, how much Caucasian blood will have to be shed to stop....the BLACK DEVIL DOLL?!!"

"Where the white women at, bitch?"

The Buzz- This movie looks crazy awesome in all kinds of ways; it's sick, twisted, sexy, sassy, full of black power, and stars an evil puppet. Think Dolemite meets The Muppets, but with less romance, or if Pinnochio raped Foxy Brown, this movie could have been the result. I don't know what it is, but it looks sick as hell, and needs to be seen by all.

Gore Factor- The gore in the trailer looks silly, but I'm sure there's going to be a bunch of it once BDD start taking it to the man!

Looks like he found the white women.

Hottie Factor- This movie has got wall to wall naked white chicks having sex, showering, being ho's... this one delivers the booty.

Our Thoughts- This movie is a stroke of genius; sure it's exploitative, low brow, racist, sexist, and all of the other "ist's" that you can think of, but that's what makes it look so damn good. Every time I watch that trailer I laugh like I'm stupid (no comments please), and I can't wait to get my hands on the DVD. It's in limited release around the country now, so check it out if you are able.

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