Upcoming Movie Spotlight- Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009)

"Never before have you heard a plot synopsis as insane as the one that you're about to read..."

Starring- Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Dieter Laser, Akihiro Kitamura, and Andreas Leupold.

What's it About
- The official synopsis: "Internationally respected Siamese twin surgeon Dr. Josef Heiter has a demented vision for mankind’s future existence. He wants to remove human beings’ kneecaps so they have to exist on all fours and then surgically graft them mouth-to-anus to form a centipede chain. When two stranded female Americans arrive at his luxury home-cum-hospital looking for help, his long-gestating plan swiftly moves into chilling action with a shocking force. Kidnapping a third Japanese male tourist he begins the tissue matches, teeth removal and buttock moulding to create his triplet creature…"

Ass-to-mouth is the future of mankind...

The Buzz- Just so were clear about this... A crazy doctor sews people together, ass-to-mouth, to create a human centipede. That's the fucking plot. I'm speechless... yet intrigued.

"Mmrph! Gagurrblorf!"

Gore Factor- Did you read what's written above? I'm not sure that I've ever read a plot synopsis and horrible and insanely unbelievable as this one.

They're making a break for it! Run! Er... Crawl!

Hottie Factor- Are there hot chicks in this movie? Yes. Will the subject matter allow us to see them as "hot?" No.

Our Thoughts- What an appalling concept for a movie... and we can't wait for the DVD! This movie just screams Cronenberg and Miike to me, and as horrible as it may sound, I am compelled to seek it out and watch every last minute of it.

Don't give us that look, we're as dumbfounded as you are.
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