Dolan's Cadillac (2009)

Way better than I thought it was going to be...

Sub-Genre- Revenge

In Attendance- Me

Cast Members of Note- Christian Slater, Wes Bentley, Emmanuelle Vaugier, and Greg Bryk.

What's it About?- Jimmy Dolan is a filthy Gringo that traffics Mexican chicks across the border, selling them for profit; so basically, he's living the American dream. Then again, he eventually expands his business to includes buying and selling kids, which kinda kills the whole
American dream thing.

"Let's pump up the volume!"

When a school teacher witnesses him killing some unruly senoritas out in the desert, threatening to destroy his seedy "ring o' whores" operation, and he has no choice but to send her a message to ensure her "silencia."

I'm pretty sure that this would get me to shut the fuck up.

She doesn't listen of course, feeling that she has to testify against Dolan, which pretty much seals her fate. Thirsty for revenge, her husband ( a wussified and not too bright teacher himself) buy a gun and decides to kill Jimmy Dolan. Problem is, Jimmy Dolan is always under heavy guard, and his Cadillac Escalade is bulletproof... so how's he gonna get his revenge?

Whoever gave this little kid a gun like that should be shamed of themselves.

Will the widowed teacher get his revenge? Will the expression on his face ever change? Does Christian Slater ever not sound/look like Jack Nicholson? I won't spoil what happens here, but suffice it to say that the world may never know the answer to that last question.

This is Wes Bentley's only expression, and it NEVER changes; right now he's smiling.

The Good- Not a bad movie. Then again, it came from a really strong story from one of the most popular writers of modern times, so it better have been good. It had some flaws, chief amongst them (for me) being the dumb as a box of rocks wife, but for the most part it was solid and worth a watch.

It does change some of the elements of the story a bit, but overall it's the same thing, and works fairly well on film. It's more thriller/suspense than it is true horror, but then a lot of King's stories were like that.

It's nice to see Christian Slater in a movie again; I think the last time I saw him Kuffs. I'm also still waiting for a sequel to Gleaming the Cube, or the movie where he has a monkey heart and falls in love with that feminine looking boy.

The Bad-
When a dumb chick witnesses some murder out in the middle of the desert, instead of riding off immediately to get her ass out of a bad situation, she sits on the top of the hill and watches as she tries to call police. Of course they see her, and it takes them shooting at her to make her dumb ass ride off, and she drops her cell phone as she does. They find her and warn her to keep quiet instead of killing her, and yet she feels that she has to testify against them anyways... she deserved what she got.

The Downright Horrendous- Trafficking women and kids... how much worse can it get than that? Ok, just the kids part, I'm fairly partial to the whole "whore" thing...

That'll fetch a nice price on the open market.

The Gory- Not so much, though there is a bit of blood and violence here and there.

The Naked- Nope.

We wanna see how you got pregnant, not watch you peeing on a stick! No wait, we wanna see that too...

Best Line- "I don't."

What did we learn?
- Never let your wife make decisions on her own. Also, Christian Slater should be in more movies.

Rating- B- (7.0/10) This one was way better than I was expecting it to be, putting it in the slightly above average range. It's more thriller than pure horror, but you can feel the touch of Stephen King all over it. Give it a rent when you can.

Final Thoughts-
Her character might be as dumb as a bag of hammers, but she sure is pleasing to the eye. And pants.

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