The Breed (2006)

I love movies with doggy-style, and this one has plenty of it...

Sub-Genre-Bad Dogs

In Attendance- Me

Cast Members of Note- Taryn Manning, Michelle Rodriguez, Oliver Hudson, Eric Lively, Hill Harper and Lisa-Marie Schneider.

What's it About?- A group of post-grad students head to a secluded island for a weekend of fun and hi-jinks, which mainly consists of drinking, trying to get laid and ripping on each other. Of course, the lone black guy in the movie is the brunt of a lot of the ribbing since he's the "tagalong" and all. The poor guy just wants to get laid, but the snooty white girls will have none of it!

"Um, like, no and stuff. "

They drink, play a game of "Spin the whore", drink, shoot bows, drink, and drink. When a little puppy shows up, it warms everyone's hearts, and also brings death with it. The little scamp is part of a dog gang that bullies humans and steals their wallets. They even smoke cigarettes! They're bad dogs!

Spin the whore.

The vicious dog gang sets upon the lame college kids, nipping and biting their way through them in a blaze of dog-glory. In what has to be the films highlight, Taryn Manning actually karate fights a dog! It's really something to see. Will it be enough to save them though, or will the dog's have their day? I'm not going to spoil the ending for you, but I will say that it doesn't look good for the humans.

The humans are fucked.

The Good- For a "B" movie, The Breed was well made, well acted, and had a pretty decent level of suspense. The idea of intelligent, pissed off dogs terrorizing a group of people may sound absurd, but it works here. Apparently Wes Craven sprinkled a little of his magic horror dust over the production...

The realism on display is what made me the most happy; for once, we get a group of people that thinks things through and acts pretty smart throughout the movie. It's pretty refreshing to feel as though the filmmakers made a movie for intelligent people for a change.

The Bad- Bad dogs! You don't kill the hot women! Go lay down!

The Downright Horrendous- The ending... really? Does every single horror movie have to use the same lame ass ploy for one final jump scare in the very last scene?!? Boo! Yeah we get it, assholes; you suck at closing a film properly.

The Gory- Dog murder, dog's mauling people, arrow violence, dog explosions... there's all sorts of dog on dog, dog on people, people on dog, an even people on people violence to be had here.

The Naked-No...

These are the puppies I really wanted to see.

Best Line- "Woof!" or "Bark!" or even "Grrrr!" or "Some scary ass lassie's, that's what!"

What did we learn?
- Dogs hate people. Also, never trust puppies, because they lie.

This dog hates you.

Rating- B+ (8.5/10) This is a surprisingly good movie. Smart, tense, violent, well made... this is definitely one to rent or buy, depending on your mood. Thanks for a good one, Wes Craven.

Final Thoughts-
Something about this picture makes me want to get LOST... with her!

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