My take on Harper's Island thus far...

After finally catching up with my DVR, I got to see all the way up through to the fifth episode of Harper's Island tonight, and I'm frustrated.

I want to like this show, and there are parts of it that I do, but some of it is so bad that I really wish I knew what the creators of this mess were going for.

-The guys find an obviously murdered body while fishing (along with a bag of money and a gun), and instead of calling the Sheriff, they take the money and the fat loser friend shoots a hole in the boat, sinking it? And they decide to keep it "their secret?"
-Even worse, they decide to bury the money, and the fat ass causes his best friend to shoot himself. He watches him bleed to death and tells no one... They're all "Best buddies" and yet he knows the friend is dead and that everyone is looking for him, and he says nothing.
-The fat loser guy has caused the death of his friend because of his absolutely retarded behavior.
-Speaking of missing people, does no one find it odd that half of the wedding party is missing, including the priest, and it's the day before the wedding? Are rich people so aloof that they don't get concerned about anything at all?
-Oh, and the bride to be and her dad are taking a bike ride in the woods when they spring a booby trap, get hit by a massive swinging death-tree, see a stranger in the woods (on a mostly private island mind you) who sets his dog on them, which they kill, and they don't mention any of this to anyone either?

This show is bordering on absolutely ridiculous with its plot lines. How is anyone supposed to identify with any of the characters, when they're mostly either unlikable, bland, blatantly cardboard-stupid, or a combination of all three? No wonder CBS moved the show to Saturday night.

It's sad too, because some of it really works; the premise is interesting, some of the characters are likable (IE: groom, bride, best-friend), the kills are interesting, and I actually am curious to see who the killer is...

For some unknown reason, I want to keep watching, I just keep feeling like more of a moron each week for doing so.

Katie Cassidy: Still the best part of the show.
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