Michael Steele and the Incredibly Shrinking GOP

Michael Steele made more than his share of mistakes since he became GOP chair. He is trying to make a comeback with group called the National Council for a New America. This new group hopes to produce GOP ideas on major issues like health care and education. The group holds its first town hall meeting on Saturday in Northern Virginia, which will be attended by former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA).

Steele still gets grief from members of his own party. Former Bush budget director Jim Nussle expressed a lack of confidence in Michael Steele's leadership of the RNC. "I don't think we've found that yet in Michael or anybody else yet for the party," Nussle said. "So we're going to have to struggle through that for a while."

Finally, it seems that young Michael is engaged in a food fight with RNC treasurer Randy Pullen. Steele recently wrote that Pullen's attempt to wrestle control over RNC spending to be "nothing short of a completely unprecedented usurpation of the authority of the RNC chairman." He added, "No RNC chairman has ever had to deal with this, and I certainly have no intention of putting up with it either."

Poor Michael Steele and his shrinking Republican Party. That can't help but shoot themselves in the foot. It does make for good comedic relief!
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