May week 2/3- The Week in "Do Not Want!"

Just two movies this week(s), so I guess it could have been worse...

Death of a Ghost Hunter (2007)- Someone needs to stop Sean Tretta from directing, or at least teach him how to make a watchable movie. This one almost had me, as it started off with promise, but as it went along, the cracks began to show, and it became pretty painful to sit through.

Some observations:
-There were a few genuinely tense/creepy moments in this movie, and the premise was interesting, but all of that was quickly nullified by the faults of the movie.
-How obvious can you make your big, shocking twist?
-The sound mix is terribly uneven, going from soft to loud at a moments notice.
-The acting is laughable.
-What is with Tretta and these horrible film techniques he uses?

No Through Road (2008)- What a moronic movie; A geek comes home from work one night to find a skanky junkie chick hiding in his closet. Call the cops, right? Nope. Let her stay for a while because she needs to hide, although she wont tell you why. When a group of skanky rape-ish looking guys show up and demands the geek hand over the girl, still don't call the cops. Call an ex-cop friend of your dads to come help instead, pussy.

Some observations:
- Makes perfect sense for the ex-cop to play football with the rapists. Perfect sense, I say.
- When a guy caves the ex-cops head in, still don't call the cops. Nice job getting your family friend killed, nimwit.
- Let's booby-trap the house, not call the cops.
- Also, sit with your backs to the bay window.
- Wait... Heavy Metal and one bright light will scare them off!
- By the time the "rape" guys caught the main character, I was rooting for them to torture his poorly written ass.

Whatever this movie was aiming for, it failed.

Angry Intercessor says: "I shall not abide thee!"
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