Mr. Anh Cao Goes to Washington

America seems like a more just place this morning. I woke up to the news that the voters of Louisiana finally realized that they were represented in Congress by an indicted bribe-taking jerk. Among other evidence, Jefferson was videotaped by the FBI receiving $100,000 worth of $100 bills in a leather briefcase at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Arlington, Virginia.

I asked William Jefferson to go away ... and the voters of Louisiana 'made it so'.

Jefferson was defeated by Anh 'Joseph' Cao, a little-known Republican lawyer ... the very first Vietnamese-American Congressman ever. Cao is an immigration lawyer and community activist who once pursued the priesthood with the Jesuits.

Hailing from New Orleans’s Versailles — the area of almost 100% Vietnamese, best known to outsiders as an area heavily damaged by Katrina — Cao is said to be affiliated with Boat People S.O.S., a refugee rights advocacy group based in Washington DC.

William Jefferson had been Louisiana’s first Black Congress member since Reconstruction. However, Black folks all over America are seeking quality in our public officials. Once you go Obama ... you NEVER GO BACK! Jefferson cynically counted on a loyal base to return him to Congress for a 10th term.

I join with other villagers in wishing Mr. Cao much success as he goes to Washington DC. I don't have much love for Republicans because of their policies ... but, I appreciate the historical significance of breaking another cultural barrier in our national politics.

How did you feel about these election results from Louisiana?
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