Can Anh Cao Gain Membership Into Congressional Black Caucus?

There are over 400 members of the United States House of Representatives. Most of us only focus on our local congressional representative. However, there are a handful of congressmen with national reputations. Jesse Jackson, Jr. has a national reputation today. Unfortunately for him it is defined mostly by his father and the current governor of his state.

I imagine that Anh 'Joseph' Cao will be a member of congress that is watched beyond the boundaries of his Louisiana district. Cao became the first Vietnamese-American person in Congress when he defeated 10-term incumbent William Jefferson last month.

Cao represents a district that is 64% Black and he wants to join the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

The CBC has never admitted a non-Black member ... they barely admit Black republicans! It is likely that Cao will not apply for CBC membership, however, it is interesting that he continues to make a national splash. I imagine that he is the most famous Vietnamese-born citizen in the country right now.
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