Sorority House Massacre (1986)

With all of the crap horror movies I've been seeing lately, I had to go back to an 80's Slasher for some relief... I found very little.

Sorority House Massacre
Sub-Genre- Slasher

In Attendance
- Me

Cast Members of Note- Angela O'Neill, Wendy Martel, and Pamela Ross.

What's it about?- A really boring chick is pledging a Sorority that lives in her childhood home; of course she doesn't remember this, nor does she remember that her brother slaughtered everyone in her family except for her in the very same house. This premise sets up 40 minutes or so of lame flashbacks/dreams involving mannequins and marbles, and plenty of blank stares from her.

Nice hair, Courtney Cox.

When her brother (who is locked up in an insane asylum) senses her presence in their old house, he starts going ape-shit and escapes, determined to rip off Halloween and head home to kill her, and stab the floor. At least we get a female "Dr. Loomis" in this one; she doesn't do much at all, except fail at her job and investigate things from her living room, but hey, she's trying, right?

What is this, method killing?

Anyways, after an impromptu clothes changing montage, some guys show up and everyone starts getting picked off one by one. I won't say what happens next (because 80's slashers are always such a mystery), but suffice it to say that the 80's kinda sucked.

The Good- Aside from being a blatant rip-off of Halloween, having some weak acting and one of the lamest killers ever put to film, it managed to have a creepy moment here or there. It's a fun movie to watch if you miss the old days, when it seemed like there was a cheesy slasher movie on every corner, or if you like bad hairdo's and horrible fashion.

Other than that it pretty much sucked.

The Bad
- How is it possible to jump from the ground, and do a barrel-roll through a second story window? That literally happened in this movie. Watch the trailer below if you don't believe me.

The Downright Horrendous
- Check out the trailer for SHM; I'm not exactly sure why , but it uses footage from Slumber Party Massacre too! Did they run out of money, not care, or were they just confused? LULZ.

The Gory- We definitely get some old fashioned 80's style slasher gore in this one.

The Naked- This is an 80's slasher flick, of course we get some boobs and butts!

Best Line- "That's him, that's the guy from my dream!"

What did we learn?- Roger Corman may have been involved in every movie ever made. Also, it's good that the 80's are over.

- D+ (4.5/10) This movie is a mess from the start; from the rip-off plot, to the lame killer, to the overall suckability of everything else... and yet it is marginally fun from a nostalgia point of view. If it's on TV, watch it. If not, don't bother seeking it out.

Final Thoughts- It kinda ripped off A Nightmare on Elm Street too.

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