#25- Cheerleader Camp (1988)

Cheerleader Camp
Sub-Genre- Slasher/Lame Comedy

In Attendance
- Me, Eryn, The Vanilla G, and Nick.

Cast Members of Note- The 80's vixen Betsy Russell, child star gone wrong Leif Garrett, the awesome Lucinda Dickey, and porn star Teri Weigel.

What's it about?- A bunch of college kids head off to Camp Hurrah (seriously) for a cheerleader competition, with all of the usual character types in tow; The wacky fat guy, the handsome love interest, the virginal final girl, the awkward geeky chick, the slut, the bitch... Not to mention the ones that are already at the camp; the weird old creep, the stuffy secret-slut instructor chick, the wanna be rapist cook, the wanna be rapist sheriff...

Aw look, it's the whole gang!

Anyways, someone starts bumping people off one by one, and no one really seems to care. A girl "committed suicide?" On with camp! Another girl is missing? On with camp! The creepy old dudes in camp look to be on the verge of rape at any given time? On with camp!

"I like rape!"

I won't spoil what comes next, because you obviously haven't seen this plot 100 times before, but I will say that the identity of the killer will keep you guessing until the very last minute! (If you're slow witted.)

Crazy enough to kill, or just crazy hot?

The Good- Boobs. There are a few hot chicks in this, namely Teri Weigel and some perfect boobed blond chick, and we get to see plenty of them. Plenty naked that is.

Welcome to "Slut Rock" girls. Feel free to sunbathe. Naked.

This movie is also good for a laugh. If you gather your friends around, get lots of beer/whiskey, and love bad movies, you might like it. As a horror flick, not so much.

The Bad
- Pretty much everything about the movie.

Kim Kardashian had a cameo in this?

The Downright Horrendous- Was it me, or were most of the cheerleaders fairly unattractive? Even worse, some of them looked like they were in their 30's and above. Way to piss on my second favorite fantasy, bad movie!

The Gory- There are a lot of good gore gags to be had here. At least the gore was fun.

The Naked- Boobs galore! I love 80's slasher flicks.

Damned censorship!

Best Line- The best line of this crap fest was the painful "rap song" performed by Leif Garret and the fat guy from Roadhouse. Watch this trailer and checkout the Whitest Rap you've ever heard! (at about :55 seconds in.)

What did we learn?- Some things from the 80's really sucked.

- D (4.0/10) As a bad movie, this one is good for some laughs. As a horror flick, it's got some good 80's style gore and boobs, but not much else. Check it out only if you really like bad movies. Or boobs. or 80's style gore.

The Vanilla Gorilla Says- He didn't say anything, he was laughing too hard.

Oddly enough, the guy in the back is still creepier than the creepy mascots.
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