Red Mist (a.k.a. Freakdog) (2009)

Red Mist
Sub-Genre- Posession/Slasher/Revenge

In Attendance
- Me

Cast Members of Note- The double hottie bill of Arielle Kebbel and MyAnna Buring.

What's it about?- Forest Gump's son, Retardo, is a creepy stalker who stutters and tries to get laid but to no avail. When he runs afoul of a bunch of douchebag med students, he ends up in a coma, and dumped on the street.

Arielle and the head d-bag.

Thankfully for him, hot little Arielle Kebbel feels really bad and decides to use some experimental drugs on him to try to bring him out of his coma... unfortunately for everyone else... wait for it... the serum allows him to leave his comatose husk, possess people, and kill the d-bags who put him in a coma to begin with.


Aww... She's so hot when she feels bad.

So one by one, the more than deserving med students get bumped off, and innocent "Possession" victims get blamed for the murder, until Arielle gets wise to the happenings and sets out to stop Retardo! I won't spoil the ending here, but suffice it to say that the blood flows, and the shizz hits the fan.

The Good- If you can forgive a few unrealistic plot elements (such as an experimental drug allowing a comatose patient to leave their body and possess some one and commit murder), then this movie is pretty damn good. It's basically a lot like The Hollow Man, Shocker, Fallen... if you bought into any of those movies, you should have no problem buying into this one.

Also, Arielle Kebbel is nothing but good. Hot, dirty goodness...

I would be her pool boy. She could even call me Raoul.

The Bad
- Do they really expect us to believe that the rebellious-skanky-goth-creepy bitch is a serious med student, and that she's honestly going to be a doctor? She needs to stick to her meth and Cradle of Filth records, and leave patients in need to those that actually bathe.

The Downright Horrendous
- What a miserable bunch of human beings these med students were... it makes me sad to think that there are actually people in the real world who are just like them, and much worse, but it's true. Damn Young Republicans! ( Surely, I jest. But not really.)

The Gory- The more the movie goes on, the better (gorier) the deaths get, one of them in particular is pretty cool...

That's one wicked scene...

The Naked- No such luck.

Best Line- No best line, just a lot of assholes talking asshole speak.

What did we learn?- Never pick on the slow guy. Also, disco balls never quite go out of style.

- B This was a pretty solid effort, if an uneven and far fetched one; it's not like the "Killer hopping from one body to the other" thing hasn't been done before though, so no foul. It's fun, bloody once things get going, and the deserving ones get theirs. Go Freakdog!

Final Thoughts
- Yummy.

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