A few misc. ramblings...

-First off, I recently watched Red Sands (2009), GPS (2007), The Alphabet Killer, all movie that I didn't write a review on for various reasons. Red Sands was ok, GPS was a mess, and Alphabet Killer was ok, but not really horror. I have nothing more to say on these three.

-I also watched Alien Raiders, and it rocked. It's not really horror though, so I didn't write a review. Check it out.

This poster for Babysitter Wanted rocks, and I'm intrigued to see the movie. It's in limited release now.

-Part 2 of 10 Horror Eyes is coming soon, so keep an eye out for it. Heh. I think it's just a fun little post, and looks cool.

If you're wondering what's coming out and when, be sure to check our 2009 Release Date List, which is the first link on the right side of the blog. I haven't found any horror site that keeps a solid running list of upcoming releases yet; some have lists, but are missing titles, some have no lists, some have wrong dates and don't update them often... Twice a week I poke around the net and find all of the release date info I can, and add it to our list. I think a one stop list is pretty handy, and less frustrating than you having to look through 20 sites to find them. Our list covers Theatrical and DVD releases, and at least keeps a list of the movies that are still TBA (to be announced), but are supposed to come out sometime this year.

Ok, I'm done now.
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