Wolf Creek (2005)

Wolf Creek
Sub-Genre- Survival/Backwoods Horror

In Attendance
- Me, Geo, Machine and Chris.

Cast Members of Note- The Awesome John Jarratt, and the hotness of Kestie Morassi.

What's it about?- Wolf Creek is a story about a guy trying to get a threesome with a hot chick and her less hot friend, and everything going to hell. Leave it to the Aussie bloke to mess it up with two slutty binge drinking Brits. Oy!

His bright idea is to take them to see some crusty old crater in the middle of the outback and make his move; but when the car wont start, and they are forced to accept a tow back to some creepy old bastards "Rape Ranch", he realizes he's fair dinkum! (I don't actually know what that means.)

Tag, you're it luv!

Mick, the creepy old bastard, gets them drunk and decides he's going to kill them all, instead of going on with his normal day filled with raping of the local Roo's. they play fun games like tag, I'm going to rape you, and Parcheesi. He actually turns out to be a pretty good host.

I wont spoil the end here, but suffice it to say that only one person escapes with their life, and the true cowboy among them rides off into the sunset.

Ok, so he walks off into the sunset.

The Good- Grade A horror is what we have here. Its nice to see a movie come along that isn't the same old crap that we horror fans are dished out by American cinema. Disturbing, tense, bleak, and unsettling describe it best, and overall it's exactly what horror fans crave.

John Jarratt is a gem in this one as Mick, the creepy outback rape/kill guy. His performance is genuinely disturbing, and he makes us feel his menace the whole time.

The Bad
- Cant anyone be neighborly anymore without feeling the need to rape/torture/terrorize/hunt and kill innocent kids? Sigh.

The Downright Horrendous
- The one who lived at the end wasn't the one I thought it would be. They tricked me. Twice.

How cute, she thinks running is going to work.

The Gory- Head on a stick! There is plenty of blood and disturbing violence here, including some eye sniping, crucifixion, stabbing, and general torture.

Teach er', her lesson mate!

The Naked- We get an obscured view of a naked chick jumping in the ocean, but that's about it. Such a waste of potential.

Best Line- "See? Head on a stick!" or "Nothing like rain water from the Top-End."

What did we learn?- Don't drink the water from the Top-End. Also, craters suck.

- A This is one of the best horror movies to come out in a long time, and certainly this decade. You owe it to yourself to check this one out.

Final Thoughts- Kestie Morassi is hot.

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