

Sub-Genre- Evil Genie!

In Attendance
- Me, Geo, Machine and Chris.

Cast Members of Note- Robert Englund! Tony Todd! Kane Hodder! The "Whatever happened to her" hotness of Tammy Lauren, and the "Oh, I've seen that guy in lots of movies" ambiguity of Andrew Divoff.

What's it about?- A crazy Genie... err, Djinn... plots his escape from an opal that looks like a ruby to me, and terrorizes a middle school volleyball coach and everyone in her life.

Fine, it's an opal..It looks like a ruby to me! I'm confused.

The Djinn tries to trick the V-ball coach into making three wishes, thus releasing him and all of his creepy evil upon the world. First she wishes for some scares, which never show up in the movie. Then she wishes for the Djinn to turn sexy and make dirty love to her, which he does:

She never knew he meant a foursome. Poor girl.

The third wish... well I wont ruin the surprise, but it sucks too.

The Good- This could have been WAY worse, and I dare say that it was a welcome movie in a time of fluffy teen-horror retreads. The gore and special effects were the brightest spot here, and overall, you could watch far worse horror movies.

The Bad
- This is definite B grade horror, with all of the standard gimmicks and cliches included.

The Downright Horrendous
- Somebody thought that this movie needed three sequels.

The Gory- All kinds of cheesy gore goodness, cheesy being the key word here.

The Naked- Ugh... no! Good god can I get a horror flick lately with even one bare ass cheek!?!

I was as bored as she looks... that's why a little naked stuff is always a good thing! No one ever listens to me!!!!!

Best Line- "Miscomplected afterbirth of a Chinese gang-banger!" or "As you wish."

What did we learn?- Don't make a deal with a Djinn unless you're very careful.

- C- This one isn't very good, but it isn't exactly horrible either. Check it out if it's on cable, it may just grow on you.

Final Thoughts- Tammy Lauren was pretty cute and should have been in movies!

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