Rumor: Sarah Palin is Grandmother, not Mother of Young Trig

Drumbeats from Sagacious Rambling tell us about rumors circulating online about whether Governor Sarah Palin is young Trig's mother ... grandmother!

According to comments from classmates and other members of the community Bristol Palin, the governor's 16 year old daughter was out of school during what would have been the last trimester of the governor's pregnany due to a bad case of mono. A case so severe, according to the Palin family, Bristol missed nearly 5 months of school. Her own staff had their doubts back in March.

The story is that Sarah Palin's water broke while she was attending a conference in Texas. She then proceeded to give a 30-minute speech before taking an 11-12 hour flight home to Alaska to give birth.

So, what is really happening here? Villagers are left to wonder if Palin is simply a mother trying to protect the reputation and image of her family or is this a mother who simply wants to protect the image of her family or is Sarah the Barracuda using this pregnancy to bolster her career and win admiration from Rush Limbaugh, PUMAs and other right-wing wackos of the Republican Party by claiming the child as her own and choosing not to terminate the pregnancy knowing the child would have Down's Syndrome?

Initially, I thought that Palin's selection was Vice President was comparable to Dan Quayle. However, on second thought, perhaps Palin is more comparable to Tom Eagleton. You may recall that Tom Eagleton only lasted 17 days as the vice presidential nominee with George McGovern in 1972. I wonder if Palin will last that long?

The video below was taken in February 2008 ... two months before Trig was born. Does Gov. Palin look pregnant?

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