Solo Review- Lost Boys: The Tribe

Lost Boys: The Tribe
Sub-Genre- Vampire shenanigans

In Attendance
- Moi...

Cast Members of Note- Corey Feldman! And a quick cameo by Corey "The Cocaine Kid" Haim... Plus Keifer Sutherland's little brother, Angus Sutherland, as the main bloodsucker.

What's it about?- So like, a bunch of gnarly surfer dudes are vampires and such, and do some gnarly things to like these normal people... and then Mr. Hand takes away their pizza and lectures them about wasting his time or something...

Two kids, who may or may not be Michael and Starr's kids from the original, move to California after they die to stay with their lame aunt. She tries to get them to watch The Goonies and have "Back rub Night", but they instead opt to head to a party hosted by vampire surfers.

The sister gets drunk on vampire blood, acts a fool, sluts it up for Donald Sutherland's less famous son, and forces her brother to get the help of good ole' Edgar Frog. (He kills vampires for those of you too lame to not remember the first movie...)

Keanu Reeves is Keifer Sutherland's brother? Whoa.

Edgar's brother is missing (unless you watch the deleted scenes), Sam is missing (Until the credits), but he has a mortar that fires holy water balloons, and he still has his trusty tapioca slingshot. The Sutherland kid is screwed!

I wont ruin the end here, but Sam is now A Vampire.

The Good- Not too bad. The first Lost Boys being one of my all times faves, I was expecting this one to blow more than Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton on a typical coke fueled cock binge; but it didn't.

The vampires were in no way as cool as in the 1986 original, nor was the story as compelling or tight character wise, but it had its moments, and managed not to piss me off. That's a big thing. Interestingly enough, Keifer Sutherland played David in the first Lost Boys, and his little brother Angus plays the head vamp, Shane, in The Tribe.

Back Together again like cocaine and whiskey! Wooo!

The Corey Haim cameo might be the best part of this flick; watch the credits to catch it. A bunch of nods to the first movie were nice touches, and made it at least a fun watch.

I also love the new version of "Cry Little Sister", the classic song from the original 1986 soundtrack.

She was pretty good too.

The Bad- The vampires in the first Lost Boys were just that, Lost Boys; They seemed to be kids who were plucked from their lives, bitten, and allowed to run free, raising themselves on blood and endless partying. The new ones seem like they're more along the lines of dickhead surfers. They weren't very compelling.

The Downright Horrendous
- I was sad that the soundtrack sucked for the most part in this one. The 1986 original was totally rad.

The Gory- Some decent bloodletting, especially during the mass slut killing on the beach. Nothing too over the top though.

The Naked- She was fully naked:

What did we learn?- The originals are always better. Also, Corey Feldman still rules as Edgar Frog.

- C- It managed not to shit on the original classic, but at the same time, it didn't come close to being as good. Still, a good effort, and just cool enough to make me want to own it for the sake of being a completest.

Final Thoughts- The new Lost Boys aren't even close to being as cool as this:

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